IPhone 4: Was it Worth the Wait?

Continuing with the Apple theme, June 24th saw the launch of the iPhone 4 and, the week after, the obligatory backlash, due to signal issues when holding the device a certain way. However, it seems it’s not just Apple making costly mistakes when it comes to their latest offering.

Reactions to iPhone 4

The Daily Mail made an embarrassing faux pas when they published a statement from Steve Jobs announcing the phone was being recalled due to its signal issues. Unfortunately for them this comment came from a parody Twitter page, something they only realised when several readers commented on the article to tell them. Sloppy journalism at its worst.

Nokia have also been caught with their trousers down when they posted a childish dig at Apple in the form of a article titled “How do you hold your Nokia?” The response they received was rather unwelcome when readers posted YouTube videos showing exactly how their Nokias didn’t work when they covered a certain part. Cue Nokia piping down pretty quickly.

How Apple responded

In a bid to salvage this PR disaster, Apple held an emergency press conference on Friday 16 July, where Steve Jobs demonstrated how the Blackberry Bold also lost signal when held a certain way. Not the most professional response to criticism, and not particularly effective either when RIM, the company behind Blackberry, came straight back with the response “One thing is for certain, RIM’s customers don’t need to use a case for their BlackBerry smartphone to maintain proper connectivity”.

Ouch Apple – it may be time to go away and sort out your own product before making digs at others?

Blackberry were of course referring to the offer Apple have made, to provide any users buying the iPhone 4 between the launch and September with complimentary cases, or refunding users for Apple cases they already bought. A rather costly outcome for Apple, but presumably less so than prospective buyers going with another smartphone provider.

What the atoms think of iPhone 4…

There’s been much debate in the office about whether or not the new iPhone is worth the wait, especially when you can download OS4 for free onto your 3GS, allowing features such as multi-tasking and background images.

Two atoms have already upgraded, both previously having owned the 3G, and haven’t been overly complimentary. While they like the camera’s new functions (flash, zoom, lens on the front as well as back and video – already a feature on the 3GS), both are having issues with signal. They’re undecided on battery life, while Becky is finding it exactly the same as before (not good), Paul reports his as lasting twice as long. However, we do love the utterly pointless but endlessly fun “Facetime”.

Overall the conclusion is “it’s not that much different from the last one” or, in Becky and Paul’s case, 2 models ago. If you’re currently a 3GS owner you probably don’t need to rush out and buy one, but if you’re looking to buy a new/your first smartphone, this is one of the best on the market.

However, as an HTC user I have to say, Apple: you may have won the battle, but Android will win the war.

Author Bio: atom42 is an online marketing agency based in central London.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: online marketing,online marketing agency,online marketing campaign,iphone 4,apple iphone

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