Is Spanking Really Necessary?

Nearly every parent wants their child to be disciplined and well mannered but is spanking him and beating him the only option? This article is not another guide about how to avoid spanking your child but it talks about the controversial issue of spanking itself. On one end parents are actually considering whether or not it is good to spank your child because it can end up in serious injuries to the child but on the other there are various authorities that support it and the biggest example is the Holy Bible according to which spanking is a necessity. There are people who used spanking as a measure of punishing their children and as a result their children have grown to be better people but does it work with everyone?

Now, many parents debate on the fact whether spanking should be done or not. Some even believe that spanking makes the child violent and not disciplined. There are various definitions from parents on the means of spanking and its effect, some even say that is should be illegal. Brutal spanking is illegal but some parents even adopt thinking it would bring discipline in the child. Although the law is quite when it comes to spanking the kids and there are restrictions but it is the responsibility of the parents to be careful while spanking the child as the consequences can be severe. Bruises, raptures, fractures, burns and major injuries can occur due to spanking. Although, the law of Colorado strictly forbids the act of brutal spanking that can result in injuries so parents should be careful to limit the intensity of their spanking acts.

Not only the law forbids spanking but even many doctors oppose it as it can affect the psychology of a child. Even if the law allows it, would spanking be the right thing to bring discipline to your child? A recent survey shows that the discipline and obedience factor can be brought in a child through a better relationship between the child and the parents and caring and loving the child in a better way. Also, the survey states that motivating the supporting the child when he shows indiscipline can be used to make the child realize his mistake. Finally, punishment is can be used to make the child realize his mistake. Today, there are parents who actually feel that spanking can make the child violent and affect his way of thinking. Spanking cannot be justified although it’s not illegal yet it should not be taken up. Making your child respect and love you and making him fear you are two different things. With spanking him you might be able to make him fear you but you won’t get his love and respect. Parents can opt for other lesser violent ways of making your child behave and making him disciplined. You can scold your child or punish him but not by physically abusing him. There are various other ways which are nonviolent and at the same time can make your child more disciplined.

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Category: Parenting
Keywords: Is spanking really necessary

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