Is the Appearance of Planet X Proving the Predictions of 2012 Real?

Do you ever wonder why mainstream media isn’t speaking out loudly about the appearance of Planet X (aka Wormwood or, more commonly, Nibiru)? And why the world governments are strangely quiet about it, too? Even NASA is denying the existence of this large planet.

In June, 2010, NASA senior research scientist Don Yeomans stated that, “Nibiru, a purported large object headed toward Earth, simply put – does not exist. There is no credible evidence – telescopic or otherwise – for this object’s existence. There is also no evidence of any kind for its gravitational affects upon bodies in our solar system.”

How can that be true when as far back as 1983 NASA launched the IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite) to search for Planet X and reportedly found it? There was an article in the December 31, 1983, edition of the Washington Post. This article, on the front page of the paper, was written by staff writer Thomas O’Toole and the headline was, “Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered”. He went on to say, “A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. Infrared Astronomical Satellite.”

Also, there was a diagram showing the path of Nasa’s Pioneer 10 and 11 space probes included in the 1983 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Since the Pioneer space probes were sent (by NASA) to get a triangulated fix on Planet X where did the editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica get the diagram if not from NASA? In the diagram Planet X is clearly marked. They call it the “Tenth Planet” and show it as being 4.7 billion miles away from Earth.

Way back in 1905 the American astronomer, Percival Lowell, discovered that there was a gravitational force of some unknown object that was affecting the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. Astronomers from all over the world started searching for this unknown object (Planet X) because of its effects on planets in our solar system. They thought they found it in 1930 and they named it Pluto. It was soon realized, however, that Pluto was too small to have such an influence so the search continued. How then can NASA’s senior research scientist now be trying to tell us that there is “no evidence of any kind for its gravitational affects upon bodies in our solar system”? Does anyone else smell a cover up here?

Speaking of a cover up, I have a challenge for you. Go to Google Earth, click on View and change to the Switch to Sky mode. Type in these coordinates, 5h53m27s, -6 10′ 58″, and answer me this – why is the sky blanked out? Why has this section of the sky recently been totally blanked out when this is exactly where Planet X is reported to be?

In my opinion, “NASA doth protest too much, methinks!”

What’s your opinion?

Author Bio: Vicki is exploring the mystery of 2012 predictions, prophecies and possibilities trying to answer the question “Is 2012 real? Is Planet X close?”

Category: World Affairs
Keywords: 2012, 2012 real, planet x, nibiru

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