Let’s Get Back to the Weight Loss Basics

Fundamentals are the building blocks of fun. The importance of understanding and learning cannot be understated. When you understand, you learn; when you learn, you appreciate. In order to derive fun out of knowing something, you have to understand the principles that govern it. In doing so, you maximize the function of a certain thing or are able to use it fully to your advantage. One of the rewarding things in life is to conquer the unknown. This appeal to the curiosity of man.

One of the jokes about dieting is that the most difficult part of dieting is always the first day because on the second, you are not dieting anymore. Losing weight is truly a feat to be conquered. And why not, when you are going against one of the tenets of nature: the food chain and food web. Basically, you are disobeying how your system naturally works: ingest food, extract the nutrients from food needed by your body, and use the nutrients to build body parts or support bodily functions. When you go on a diet, you are denying your body something it really needs in order to survive. As a counter measure, you brain triggers certain reflexes (growling of your stomach, salivation) to remind you or even force you to stay true to your nature. It is basically the battle of your id and your ego or your desires and your will. This is a constant struggle and a battle of who is more supreme.

Because dieting is difficult, many people want to spend the least amount of time dieting while reaping more results. Examples of such ways are using diet pills and crash diets. Sure, they bring the results that you desire in the shortest possible time, but are generally unsustainable. In the end, it is your body that gives up.

The ultimate principle to follow to obtain the desired results from your diet regimen is to take baby steps toward something more sustainable. This involves ways in which you not have to suffer too much and is based on the concept that you eat less than what your body needs, with emphasis on the word eat. Natural weight loss strategies center on this assumption. Basically, the natural weight loss techniques teach the individual to stick to ways which banks on organic methods especially those which entail hard work. It discourages ways which ultimately alters the body’s functioning, ending adversely. Remember that a moderately active individual needs on the average two thousand calories in a day. When you eat less than this, you are surely to lose weight little by little. Read food labels for calories consumed or get the aid of the food pyramid, listing the number of servings you have to consume in a day.

Never eliminate food from your system because if you do, your body will eventually miss the food so much that you cannot anymore control your urge to take in more food in the end, thus, you return to your previous state. This is the so-called rebound effect.

Author Bio: Learn how a Natural Weight Loss plan works and how you can reduce your weight without suffering or endangering your health. All the information and knowledge you need to become slim again. Weight Loss Basics.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Natural Weight Loss, Basics, Lose Weight, Fundamentals

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