Men Should Pay Attention to the Brand Selected to Join the Six Principles

If you are just entering the field of apparel or clothing business is not a very long time, experience is not very rich, it must be very confused, do not know what kind of brand choice to join up. In fact, back in your shop has not opened the occasion, the future success of the business may already be preordained. This successful first step, we choose what kind of brands from the beginning:

N0.1 Brand positioning the brand in the selection of joining the beginning, the first should be their own city’s apparel market to do a certain understanding, especially if you shop around the shopping district of the peer situation, to do with bottom heart.

If your area is not yet Nenggen consumption level compared to developed areas, then you can easily blind introduction of high-priced clothing; if you shop around a row to open a lot of casual home brand, competition is particularly keen, then you you can stagger the operation to target the installation or ladies wear, the effect will be better; or local consumer preference for origin Women in Shanghai, Guangdong produced do not like, you can give priority to join the brand in Shanghai … … these problems are identified, based on these circumstances decided to join the brand’s general position, then join the brand targeted search, to more with less, improve the success rate.

Before you decide to join the brand, before you answer the following questions must be very clear in mind.

You want to join the men’s, women’s or children’s clothing brand?

Local products acceptable price?

You want to join the brand style is casual wear, ladies wear, or equipment?

Local consumers to buy clothing there any special preferences?

How Much Do you Plan to Invest?

Your goal this time the brand has narrowed the scope to a certain extent, may have produced several candidates for the brand, then you can then later referred to the project according to our article to a screening.

NO.2 popular clothing product is a special commodity, it is entirely up to consumers to purchase goods liking. Because of this, you want to join the brand clothing is a good local reputation, product popularity, there are more factors that need to focus on study.

This can be investigated in several aspects. First, the brand’s popularity in all regions of How? In status among the minds of consumers? You can obtain the brands of its past sales data, you can also learn from the side by the mall, ran to the brand Agents learned that its sales office.

Next, according to the brand’s positioning and style of products, the proportion of local people about how many will be interested in purchasing this product? Thus to determine the number of your target customers is not enough.

Third, look at the pricing of its products are not in similar brands at competitive prices? Design with local consumption habits and preferences of consumers is not fit, try to avoid the possibility of contradictions and conflicts.

Should be pointed out that the popularity of one product is a result of the brand over the years slowly settling, on the other hand it is also the company’s advertising-supported closely related. If a brand continuity in the national media advertising, to maintain a certain media exposure, it is saying must be proportional to the popularity of the.

N0.3 reasonable profit margins Well, this one is certainly one of the most important principles. Joined the company can not give you enough profit? Look at the surface of the supply discounts and replacement rate, is not enough, there are many hidden items that you may not see. Let us count the end of a rough off it.

You need input about:

Shop rental (may need one-time payment of rent for three months or half a year)

Shop decoration costs (one-time investment)

Capital goods (such as 45% of the purchase discount, then the retail value of 10 million worth of goods, you need to pay 45 000)
Monthly salaries store daily expenses (utilities, etc.)

Expected income:

According to the traffic and shop where the business district around the brand’s sales, estimated sales number each day and do a minimum of two best intentions in order to get the daily turnover rate. Must remember to consider at a discount factor, often not in accordance with the retail price of goods to sell, there will be a lot of promotions and discounts.

Goes on the projected income and investment subtraction, estimating the scope of your profit will probably be what kind of space? Up to how much profit margin, the minimum is? About how long to recover its investment? One is better high and low stand now.

NO.4 company clearly understand the situation in the development of brands, including history, current status and future trends, on important decisions of your choice. As your supplier, but also business partners, your company’s growth and development is inextricably linked. We certainly want to select a credit good, mature and healthy development of the company to work together.

If the conditions are limited, at least the following should be clear that the company’s basic situation:

The development of the first stores to now how many years of history?

There are how many outlets, the number of stores? Plans to expand the number of stores?

The company’s credit situation right?

The company also operated a total of a few brands?

In addition to headquarters in addition. Company has no branches or other parts of the country offices?

Whether the company has its own production base?

You come into contact with our sales staff is professional enough?

Of course, to point out here is mature and well-developed the company’s general business conditions selected to join the higher the initial fee charged is also high, that is access to the high threshold Besides, we also can provide the support the kimono more perfect you guarantee the success of these relatively high; and just started a small company there is no restriction or limit this small, but by the inch: not been established, bite problems can be encountered more and more, the relative risk of the risks to larger. Depends on the balance between your own experience in the investment budget and business.

NO.5 supply is normal that a lot of people tend to be ignored, but in fact really important. Even if you have pride in other aspects of the perfect, but you want the best-selling varieties often out of stock, how can your business well?

Meanwhile, we should understand clearly before joining it is a bit difficult. Because if you point-blank asked the sales staff, they will Paizhexiongfu tell you, so you may rest assured that their supply is very good. The reality is that China is implementing many of the small brands in more or less problems in this regard, a point which must be fully prepared mentally – unless you chose a certain scale mature brand, you can fully trust them.

But difficult does not mean that there is no solution. You can through the company, or other channels to get all the currently operating (or have been operating over) to join the brand’s business phone number, direct call to consult them, and get real answers to the most credible. NO.6 training and services to support the last point, in fact, the most important point. Very real problem, now many of our franchisees in the garment business, most of the lack of business experience, to ensure a high success rate of business, a great need for training support company. From the store image, display the guide, small goods management, promotion, use, if the company can have a set of methods to train you, you will have a successful business more than half of the guarantee, otherwise uncertain future.

Mature brands should be in stores around like a mold carved out in the image, props, display items, and other aspects of service staff are unified. To understand a company’s level of management training franchise, is very simple to look at several different areas of the shop, the situation is clear, and this, as ESPRIT, LEVIS foreign mature brand that works so well. With such companies, from the first day, the company will be for you to develop a detailed training plan, even if you experience the original value of zero, you did not worry, just follow the training program to learn, you will become a qualified professional managers of the clothing stores.

But for many of the local brands are still under development, this point is impossible to do. Many companies receive your payment after the initial fee and on silent, and neither the training nor the training materials. There is no experience on the retail clothing franchiser novice, this is almost tantamount to throwing away half the likelihood of business success, the rest could only be a genius to do business on their own. Do not know with these companies, your own confidence in how much? So, before joining the signing, but also ask how well the company can give you the training and support services. This is very important.

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