Moving Tips – 35 Things To Do After You Have Moved To A New Home

I now organize my house step-by-step daily lo make my life more efficient so that I don’t have an overwhelming job preparing for the next move. When my house is for sale, I make sure that my family pays special attention to the items on this list so that my house will show at its best.

Staying organized especially helps during the school year when the kids bring home an endless amount of paperwork for me to review. A well maintained home is also a more enjoyable place for my family to live in and will make a better impression on the new guests that we will be inviting to our new house.

1.Hang up garments instead of leaving them on the floor, bed, or chair.

2.Hang up towels to dry.

3.Pick up dropped items.

4.Wipe up spills and messes when they occur.

5.Clean out the kitchen sink and wipe oil the kitchen countertops as required.

6.Run the dishwasher when lull.

7.Empty the dishwasher when clean.

8.Empty waste containers when lull.

9.Wash accumulated dirty laundry. (Clean the lint screen in the dryer often.)

10.Fold clothes as soon as dryer cycle is complete so garments do not gel wrinkled.

11.Icon clothes frequently so unmanageable piles do not accumulate.

12.Open, read, and discard all the mail accordingly.

13.Place retired newspapers and magazines in the recycle bin.

14.File old paperwork weekly. Don’t let unmanageable piles accumulate.

15.Clean the house at least every two weeks (vacuum, dust, and clean the bathrooms and wash the floors), or hire someone else to do it.

16.Wash the sheets and towels every week or two, or as necessary.

17.Place books back on the bookshelf after reading them.

18.Return items to their rightful place when finished using them.

19.Discard broken or non-useful items.

20.Throw away nonedible leftovers.

21.Return library books by their due dale.

22.Return DVDs, video rentals, and video games on lime.

23.Recycle extra metal hangers by resuming them to the cleaners.

24.Put keys in the same place every time you put them down.

25.Hang up your coal when you lake it off.

26.Push in your chair when leaving the table.

27.After purchasing new clothes, donate outgrown or out-of-stvle clothing to your favorite charity or to family and friends.

28.Hold a garage sale or donate items to a charitable organization at least once a year.

29.Replace burnt-out light bulbs as required.

30.Spot clean soil spots on carpets immediately to prevent permanent stains.

31.Clean up after your pets often.

32.Remove seasonal decorations in a timely manner alter the season ends.

33.Avoid purchasing unnecessary items just because they are on sale.

34.Assign chores to every member of the family to get the job done faster.

35.Buy some flowers to reward yourself for all of your hard work. Then relax and enjoy your lovely new home!

This is the most important things of your day to day life and if you follow each and every tip above, you will have easy time adopting to new environment after you move.

Author Bio: Georgiy Kharchenko, owner of – moving company, Flat Rate, Free Packing moving. At we offer local and out of state, interstate – moving: Laurel Movers, Silver Spring Moving, Frederick Movers call 1-800-610-5358 for Free Moving Quote

Category: Home Management
Keywords: va moving, alexandria movers, arlington movers, reston movers, fairfax movers, maryland moving

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