Musica Latina Translates To Big Profits

Music is something that virtually everyone enjoys. There are lot of variations, forms, and styles. Music has brought people together and has been instrumental in bringing a lot of happiness and joy. Music has also been a wedge between groups and classes of people. It has been the source of conflict between young and old and sometimes between nations. From the very beginning starting with the most simple of music, parents have always believe music was an evil thing and preferred their children not listen to it or least not what their children wanted to listen. As we grow older and age we become the parents and think our children’s music is evil and our children will likewise go through the same thing.

Eventually when other look back at us they will wonder why we drew such a huge distinction between something so similar.
Among cultures we have similar things occurring. We may dislike other people’s music simply because of political reasons. It does not have to be that way, but our political orientation life experiences and influences keep us from enjoying music from around the world. When there is no such political influence or other subjective reasons, we can and often do enjoy foreign music. When we listen with an open mind often we are persuaded that it is damn good music.

Our distaste for foreign language music such as Latin Music is often because of the language barrier. Sometimes it is because we don’t understand the lyrics that we may choose not to listen to foreign music. With the huge influx of immigrants from Mexico and Latin America, we have been left with a dislike for Latin American music not because it may not be pleasing, but because of the dislike for the huge influx of day laborers on our streets. Until we listen Latin Music or until it is translated for us, we don’t know if we actually like. At first there is a strong reluctance to even consider listening to Latin Music, especially with the anti-immigrant sentiment, but often the music is translated for us and wow ! We may think it is the greatest thing ever. Then you may travel to Mexico, or Columbia, or Puerto Rico and discover that the particular style or sound is pretty generic. All it took was a little effort to translate the lyrics from Spanish to English and there you go -an instant hit from the latest Latin Artist. We then shower them with awards and enrich them with our dollars for bringing us Latin Music that had been around for a long time, but noone had bothered to translate. We even forgive them for being from a Latin American country. Latin music, especially Mexican music has had a profound influence in more recent times. It is mostly because it was brought by immigrants and there a lot of them. As they assimilate they don’t automatically discard their entire culture, but instead they fuse it and before you know the fusion has become our own. The same is true of many things, such as the Pinata, Taquitos, Burritos, and Tamales. The assimilation is not limited to any one particular culture either, we have bagels, pizza, spaghetti, and hiros go back to the founding years and noone would know what any of that is.

A few thousand years from now, archeologists will have a hard time understanding the great nation known as the United States of America. They will have a hard time discerning the difference between American Music and Mexican Music, and Latin Music, and Caribbean Music, and the same will be true of many things that have enriched our nation.

Author Bio: Learn how to hire a Latin band at a bargain, here Banda Musical

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: latin music, musica latina

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