My Ex Has A New Girlfriend And I’m Still In Love With Him

Losing someone you love to a break up is never easy, but it’s made ten times harder once your ex starts dating someone else. If your boyfriend ended your relationship prematurely and then started dating another girl? You probably feel like nothing you could do at this point would get him back. The hopelessness and despair you felt when you first heard he’s seeing someone new was probably overwhelming. Which begs the question:
My ex has a new girlfriend… but can I still get him back?

Luckily for you, the answer to that question is a resounding yes. Even though your exboyfriend jumped right into a new relationship, it doesn’t mean that he’s forgotten about yours. Chances are good that he’s taken those feelings and emotions he still has for you and put them to the side, making room for the new feelings he’s generating toward his next love interest. Those feelings just don’t go away, they only get buried for a while.

Overall, guys tend to be quick to jump into new relationships. It may seem as if your ex has forgotten about you simply because he’s with someone else. In reality though, he’s completely ignored the feelings he still has for you. This is easier for him to do right now, because he’s distracted with a new girlfriend.

Once the magic or the initial attraction wears off? Your ex will begin to think of you again. The relationship you had with him was substantial, and it will eventually rise back to the surface of his thoughts. In time, your ex boyfriend will think back and remember the good times you had together. And the first major fight he has with this new girl? He’ll start wondering if maybe he didn’t make a mistake by leaving you.

So how do you get your ex to want you again? Is there a way to bring out those feelings even when your exboyfriend is now dating a new girlfriend?

The key to doing that lies in the actions you take, both immediately after you hear that your ex is dating again and during the time period you’re waiting out his relationship. No, unfortunately there’s not much you can do about him seeing this new girl. There’s nothing you can say that will turn him around on this matter, and there’s nothing you can do to stop his new romance. Your ex boyfriend is going to do his own thing, and if you try to interfere he’s not only going to protect this new girlfriend, but he’s also going to resent you for it.

The last thing you need is to lose your ex’s respect. Approaching him about his new relationship after you’re broken up will come off as petty and jealous. You’re also going to come off as needy and desperate. All of these things spell doom for any chance of reconciliation. If you’re still in love with him and you want your boyfriend back? You need to keep a cool, level head. Only be remaining calm and staying smart about the situation can you begin working on ways to get your boyfriend to want you again.

Don’t fall into the trap of pitying yourself. You can’t curl up in a ball, crying out my ex has a new girlfriend! Instead, suck it up and work on ways to improve the way he looks at you. There are methods and techniques you can use to actually make your ex need you back, and to put yourself right back in his head again.

Author Bio: For the complete step-by-step process to getting your ex back from someone else, check out Ex is Dating Someone Else. Also be sure to visit How To Get Your Boyfriend Back

Category: Break-up
Keywords: ex, back, ex back, get ex back, get boyfriend back, boyfriend dating, ex has new girlfriend, exback

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