Nurse- The Most Unsung Among the Healthcare Professionals

Among all healthcare professionals perhaps the most unsung is the nurse. While she plays a crucial role as a healthcare professional, her deeds are not often spoken of in the same glowing terms as that of a doctor, when her role in the healing process of a sick patient is no less important. For an increasing number of girls today nursing has become a very good career option. Those who are genuinely interested in taking care of patients and want to do their bit of service towards humanity the profession offers much scope. With the increased emphasis on world-class healthcare services, today it is also a good career option.

While the term nurse may be relatively new, nursing as a concept has been in existence in almost all the cultures and civilizations from time immemorial. Historical references point out to the role played by nurses even several centuries ago. It was around the 15th century that the concept took a professional connotation with it emerging as a full fledged profession, with the term coming to men a lady who takes care of children.

While the role of a nurse was recognized as being important, for a good part of its early days, the profession was looked down upon as belonging to the lowest strata of the society. There used to be rumors floating around that it were a profession where people were always drunk and arrogant. It is said that doctors during the time of 17th century wanted amplified this view since they did not want someone else taking over their role or being considered more important by the patients. It was only with the advent of the legendary Florence Nightingale that the profession gained importance in the society.

Florence Nightingale was a well educated woman from a reputed family who became a nurse out of choice and began to serve humanity. It was in 1853 that a hospital was set up by Theodore Fliedner where he employed nursing professionals and the hospital got a good name. The popularity of the hospital gave a fillip to the popularity of the profession as well.

Prior to nursing become a profession by itself, these kind of services were usually provided by the military or nuns. Even today the military or religious roots of the profession are clearly evident in several countries. One of the best examples can be found in the United Kingdom or in countries where it ruled. In all these countries, anyone in the nursing profession is always referred as ‘sister’.

Florence Nightingale’s pioneering concepts were used to establish the early guidelines for the nursing profession. Over a period of time, there have been changes bought about in the training programs meant for nurses around the world. These days there are several institutions which specialize in offering nursing programs. No longer is nursing seen as a lowly profession. In fact, today a nurse is accorded high importance in any hospital and by all patients. The profession has been responsible for the reputation of many a world famous hospital and its importance is growing by the day.

Author Bio: I am basically a graduate at the University of Hamburg and you can get awesome articles and valid information from the ones which I submit specially for you to take a look at. Check out Nurse Images, Nurse Graphics or Nurse Pictures.

Category: Career
Keywords: Nurse, health professional, medical, profession, hospital, nursing, services, united kingdom, educat

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