Paper Job Applications Join The Ranks Of Quill Pens And Typewriters

The acronym “www” stands for World Wide Web, but more and more it has come to mean the “Way the World Works”. This is especially true when it comes to the job market. Thanks to job listing web giants like http://CareerBuilder.Com, practically every major company and many small businesses use some sort of online application process. Gone are the days of the face-to-face or on-site job application. It is just plain inefficient for candidates to travel from business to business filling out paper applications. Likewise, fewer and fewer businesses are dedicating resources to assist live, in-person job seekers.

While this development in the mechanics of the job market makes it easier for job seekers to find companies that are hiring, it also pits potential employees against a much larger candidate pool than ever before. Now in order to land a job at a desired salary, job seekers must apply to many more jobs. For well-qualified candidates, finding a job increasingly becomes a numbers game. The more applications submitted, the better the chances of being contacted for an interview.

Unfortunately, along with this numbers game comes the tedious process of filling out countless online application forms. A single application might take up to 20 or 30 minutes to complete, leaving job candidates with the repetitive task of filling out the required information again and again.

Meeting the job seekers’ demand for easing the online application process is a smart software product called FillPerfect®. Developed by 2424 Software, the FillPerfect form filler installs on a personal computer as an add-on tool bar for the Internet Explorer web browser. Once it’s up and running, the software allows job seekers to enter and store all of their pertinent job application information one single time. Then, using intelligent keyword recognition algorithms, the software automatically populates the fields of each new job application with the job seeker’s stored information. In many instances, the FillPerfect form filler speeds up the application process by a factor of 5, turning a 20 minute chore into a 4 minute diversion.

Unlike other form filler software, the intelligent FillPerfect form filler understands context. Other form fillers just look for keywords, but FillPerfect looks at the entire form. For example, a field labeled “Name:” might require your name, your reference’s name, your school or college name, your supervisor’s name, or a previous employer’s name. The typical form filler will end up putting your name into each field. FillPerfect, by examining the context of each keyword, puts the right information into the right fields.

Another advantage FillPerfect offers job seekers is the ability to create and store multiple profiles. This allows the candidates to tailor their information to specific job categories and autofill different information depending on the job listing.

Straight out of the box, FillPerfect knows how to fill out job applications, and can handle text entry, check boxes, radio buttons, and even pull-down lists. Other form fillers require extensive user setup for each keyword and field type. And your sensitive information is safe with FillPerfect. Private information such as social security numbers and passwords are securely encrypted. Plus, if FillPerfect encounters any fields it cannot automatically complete, it highlights those areas to quickly alert the user.

Other key features of the FillPerfect auto form filler include a time-saving auto fill lock feature to fill in forms as they are loaded without a single extra mouse click. Plus, it comes with a menu full of quick-access job search resources that users can easily customize with their favorite web sites.

In today’s competitive web-based job market that provides almost unlimited access to job listings, qualified candidates need an edge. The FillPerfect form filler provides that edge through a time savings that allows candidates to complete four or five times as many applications in the time it takes a competing job seeker to fill one out manually. Job seekers using FillPerfect can spend less time filling out forms and more time researching jobs. And, they can increase their odds of being hired by applying to many more jobs faster than ever before.

The FillPerfect automatic form filler is available on the Internet at or by phone from 2424 Software at 877-638-2424. FillPerfect can be bought on CDROM for $34.98, or can be downloaded instantly for only $24.99. A fully functional free trial is also available.

Author Bio: Mark Robison is CEO of 2424 Software, makers of the FillPerfect Intelligent form filler. Mr. Robison graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has served in a wide range of engineering and management roles developing powerful, highly usable, high quality software. He can be contacted at, where you can also learn more about the FillPerfect form filler.

Category: Career
Keywords: form filler, resume, automatic form filler, autofiller, unemployment, application filler

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