Pericarditis, Homeopathic Approach


What is pericardium?

Heart is surrounded by a sac which has two layers is known as pericardium.

Definition of pericarditis:

Inflammation of these tissue layers surrounding the heart is referred to as pericarditis.


-Mechanical injury to the heart

-Heart surgery

Infection Bacterial


Tumors or cancer

-Primary (rare)
Connective Tissue Disease
-Rheumatoid arthritis
-Systemic lupus erythamatous (SLE)

Metabolic diseases

-Kidney failure

Medication Reactions

-Side effects of certain medications can cause pericarditis.


1.Chest pain is the most common symptom of pericarditis.

-This pain is usually sharp and stabbing.
-It can arise slowly or suddenly and radiates to the back, to the neck or to the arm.
-This pain becomes worse on lying flat and gets better by leaning forward.

2.Shortness of breathe

3.Other symptoms like fever with chills and general malaise.


1.Systemic examination
3.Chest X-rays
5.Blood testing


2.Pericardectomy (removing the sac completely) may be needed for recurrent pericarditis.
3.Treatment of the underlying cause of pericarditis is essential.


1.Cardiac tamponade

2.Constrictive pericarditis

the best way to preveny heart disease is to the following in proper way to prevent the cardiac diseases
many experts ssay that the mediataion is very helpful as it relaxes and immunity power will increase. This will not only helsp in the healing also in the prevention. The other is being a vegan will preven the hypercholestrolemi and also reduces the risk of hypertension and diabetes. To increase the immunity medidation, vegans, good diet, good proteins will help. Avoid stress, this will increase the immunity automatically.

Homoeopathic treatment:


a.uneasy feeling about the chest
b.insidious inflammation of the heart muscle
c.patient fears that the heart will stop beating if he makes any motion.
d.great weakness of the cardiac tissue
e.pulse becomes weak

2.Cactus grandiflorus:

a.characteristic symptom is, “Sensation as if the heart were grasped with an iron hand,”
b.pains shooting into the left arm
c.useful in intense palpitation and fluttering sensations about the heart
d.controls the inflammatory condition and strengthens the heart’s contractions

3.Spigelia: pains shooting from the heart to the back, and radiating from the heart down the arm, over the chest, and down the spine.
b.palpitations worse from any movement of the arm or body
c.The pulse is intermittent, not synchronous with the heart beat, and
d.the slightest motion of the arm or hands makes the patient worse.

4.Aconitum napellus:

a.numbness of the left arm also has tingling in the fingers, associated with heart disease.
c.Aconite produces a cardiac congestion, with anxiety, oppression and palpitation, worse when walking, and
d.also attacks of intense pain
e.inflammation sets in with fever with the intense mental anxiety so characteristic of the drug.


a.palpitation of the heart and a constrictive feeling in the cardiac region.
b.Pulse small and weak
c.There is a smothering sensation about the heart, waking the patient out of sleep
d.heart feels too large for the chest

Author Bio: Dr Guptha associated with ICD10 Certification and Dr Guptha associated with ICD10 Training

Category: Education
Keywords: icd10, training, certification

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