Plaque Psoriasis – The Causes, Symptoms and Remedies

The number of people suffering form plaque psoriasis is higher than most expect. Plaque psoriasis is actually the most common type, and there is repotedly over 2% of the population with some form of psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis is a disease that manifests itself on certain parts of a person’s anatomy, and usually these manifestations come in the form of red, scaly blotches that can be both itchy and pretty unsightly to look at. But how does one get plaque psoriasis, and what can be done to help a person get over the symptoms of this disease? Should a person turn to the doctor for medical treatment, or is there a natural psoriasis remedy that would help with the disease?

It is believed that the majority of plaque psoriasis sufferers inherit the disease from a parent, although there are also indications that the disease can develop in people that are HIV positive, smokers or drug users. It is also though that psoriasis can develop in people with stressful lives, heavy drinkers and those who frequently allow their skin to get sunburned While there are many factors that may indeed trigger the emergence of psoriasis, the usual reason for a person having psoriasis is due to the fact that his or her parents have it. The possibility of a child developing psoriasis rises if both parents have the disease, and it diminishes slightly when only one parent has the skin problem.

Plaque psoriasis often manifests itself first as a reddish rash or burn that may or may not itch. These rashes can quickly build up on the skin, and will begin to develop into scales that can be peeled of to reveal red raw skin underneath. The scales and plaques that this kind of psoriasis causes may appear anywhere on a person’s body, and it may cause discomfort, pain or even infection if it is not taken care of. A psoriasis flare-up can last for several months before improving, and there is no guarantee that a new flare-up won’t occur again soon after it has cleared.

Treatments for plaque psoriasis vary according to the severity of the affliction, and they are available in either combination treatments or solo treatments. There are topical medications, oral or systemic treatments, and photo therapy treatments that can help with the flare-ups that a psoriasis sufferer experiences. These can be administered in conjunction with one another, depending on how severe a particular case of psoriasis may be. Some of the milder topical treatments can be purchased over the counter, but if the doctor feels you will need a stronger preparation to deal with the problem, then you will be advised to use some prescription only creams. Systemic treatments can come in either oral or injection forms, while photo therapy involves exposing the skin to UV rays.

Medical treatments are often the first thing we turn to with any disease, but there are also some natural alternatives. One of the most commonly reported is to soak a cloth in Apple Cider vinegar and apply it to the areas affected. Others natural remedies include Aloe Vera, taking Omega 3 fish oil and just plain old healthy eating. In fact, a good diet for psoriasis full of fresh vegetables is probably one of the best things you could do to help treat the disease yourself.

Author Bio: Learn more about how a natural psoriasis remedy and a good diet for psoriasis can help you become psoriasis free for life!

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: psoriasis cure,natural psoriasis cure,natural remedies for psoriasis

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