Predicting the Future With Tarot Readings

Tarot readings are a method of foreseeing the future and gaining personal understanding, based upon a set of cards which have historical and symbolic meaning. They are widely used among clairvoyants and psychics along with other means of fortune telling such as palm reading and oujia boards. Although many people, including a number of celebrities, believe in their accuracy, they are also regarded with suspicion by skeptics and religious authorities who see them as a form of occultism which is contrary to Christian beliefs.

Tarot cards date from 15th century Italy, when they were first used in games, in a similar way to a modern pack of cards. From about the 18th century they began to be used by mystics as a means of predicting the future. They used to be mainly associated with Romani gypsies, a group of nomadic people who travelled throughout Europe and who were known for their superstitious beliefs and abnormal psychic abilities. These days, they are popular among proponents of the new age movement, which rejects conventional religion in favour of an alternative spirituality.

There are different versions of tarot decks but usually there are 78 cards which are comprised of 4 suits of 14 cards each (the major arcana)plus a 22 card suit(the minor arcana). The symbolism of the illustrations are drawn from many sources, including medieval and renaissance Europe, Ancient Egypt and Chinese Confucianism.

Tarot readings are believed to be guided by a spiritual force which can tap into the subconscious of the subject allowing the reader to gain insight and clarity into the subject’s current state of mind and future life direction. A reading involves arranging the shuffled cards into different patterns or “spreads”, and interpreting the meaning of each card in relation to the overall layout. While there are some standard concepts related to the different cards, there is no one set meaning, and the interpretation depends very much on the individual reader.

A great deal of scepticism surrounds the practise of tarot readings and other mystic arts, with many people believing that it is based on an outdated superstition that has no place in the modern world. It is also regarded as dangerous by the Christian church which believes that any form of spirituality not connected to God comes from the devil, even if it may seem harmless.

Whether or not tarot cards have any real meaning is a matter of debate, but people are eternally curious about the future and today physic forecasts are as popular as ever. The traditional fortune teller with a crystal ball and gypsy style clothing may no longer exist, but there are numerous self-titled psychics who claim to have a connection with the spiritual world and can, for a fee of course, help give you an idea about your future course. Many sincerely believe in the validity of what they do and have made a detailed study of tarot, but there is no doubt that others are opportunists out to cheat you out of your cash.

If you want a tarot reading, you no longer even have to make an appointment, as you can have it done online or over the phone. Check out your phone directory or conduct an internet search. Before you go ahead with it however, find out about the charges and consider carefully whether you think it is worth the fee. If you really believe in the power of tarot, think also whether you really want to know about the future and how you will react if the prediction is not positive.

Tarot may be a divisive subject but it has a long and fascinating history.

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Category: Arts and Crafts
Keywords: psychic, horoscopes, numerology, free psychics, palm reading, tarot

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