Product Placement in Books When the Business Literature PK

When the book suffered implant advertising, literature and business can win? Whether this new model of open book profits?

Placement is money not to “face”?

Product placement, that is, to play through some of the public or read in the film, television, mobile phones, online games, newspapers and magazines, literary works and even a platform such as vector to a particular program or work to be spread covering object, formed by advertising.

“I remember in Wang Shuo’s” My Chitose cold “There are island glasses bookmark advertising.” Relay Press to promote research of the Department of Renchang Xiao Wu said. Beijing Beibei Te Publishing Consulting Marketing, the Hazel recalled: “I heard a” Du Lala Getting Promoted “and audio books, there are many placement in Lenovo laptop.” In “Contemporary Fiction “associate editor, a famous writer Thinker among the Country’s eyes, those with video synchronization placement in the book is an example,” such as “village of love.” television commercials in fact the same name. “Xu Zhu media people are somewhat confused, said:” In fact, Sometimes for the reader, the kind of advertising more difficult to distinguish, may be very easy to hopping over, because these words are too common. Again, Xian Zai Han “Solo group” in the “Come back, Nike”. ”

He Kotake implicitly compared to the magic of touting the effectiveness of drugs, rock and Sport of the book were comments to become a “brand Fair.” Before Weihui, Annie Baby’s works, there are many brand description, but they did not expect to be advertising with the business. Song Zhang critics believe that this shows the writer now become “smart” the.

In fact, the book is the product placement advertising embedded in the “ancestor.” Famous French writer Balzac’s “Human Comedy” in there tailor the product placement. Balzac the tailor’s name, address intact written into the “Human Comedy.” Many readers read the novel here especially patronage. To 1873, the famous science fiction writer Jules Verne, “Around the World in 80 Days” in, with commercial product placement. A shipping company persuaded the author to the book’s hero on board ship is the shipping company’s products.

Have claimed that embedding advertising in the book is “shameless money”, this, most respondents hold tolerance. “I think a lot of people are too sensitive to advertising. Book has a dual property, cultural property and product attributes, it needs to achieve through the sale of to let the reader feel the cultural connotation.” Xiao Wu Chang said. “Not so serious. As Feng said, the bottles of mineral water trademark tear the place where, more strange. Some people prefer a certain brand, will only make her more personality. Of course, to appropriate, with the characterization, plot to line. “Haibeibeite Culture Communication Co., Ltd edit on over-hung.

Writers money, the reader, “the price is” reasonable?

At present, the relevant legal provisions not yet implanted in advertising on the public library to define and explain, a lot of cultural works in the soft advertising, not only cheap, but also for pushing boundaries, which advertisers marketing strategy and the interests of a very useful commodity.

As the reader can not help but have such doubts – Writer money, the reader pays the bill reasonable?

“Readers bought more than advertising, there are other elements of the book. I think as long as this kind of code of conduct to a certain extent, is acceptable.” Hazel told reporters.

In the writer Thinker among the Country view, it was no “reasonable” Bu “reasonable”: “The key is the reader Yuanbuyuanyi pay the bill. Writers and their works, if Pi business Ren Wei Zhidetouru, Kongpa readers Genbenbuyong Maidan, Zhi Jie Qu Shu Dian get Jiuke white, or a newsboy active fingertips. ”

Literature and business can win?

Product placement in books book industry in China has in the ascendant trend, insiders believe that this book opens new profit model, some people think that this much damage to the purity of the literature. When the book suffered implant advertising, literature and business can win?

Media people Xu Zhu that China is now advertising in the book is still in the initial stage of implantation, “at most is a person wearing certain brands of clothes, smoke a cigarette, go to a store, which is still the primary means, only appear in popular fiction. In a sense, this also led the trend of society. On receipt of manufacturer’s advertising or sponsorship fee, to take people soft, would not say bad things about this factory, if the author no definite sense of social responsibility, this time his work is no longer pure, a public relations tool manufacturers, ‘innocent’ reader was kidnapped. ”

“I believe that some of the more purely literary or independent writers and not driven by business around. A number of popular books, such as youth literature, health health, financial and other types of books administered, more receptive to product placement. But there are some fields and part of the writer, is a commercial can not invade, and I believe it. “Hazel said.

Future trends?

For the implantation of ads, the industry has long had a general awareness. Number of forward-looking vision of the enterprise, have to find ways to implantation advertising. Product placement in books will be intensified in the future, whether to become a trend?

“Product placement in books prospect, not only the future trend, even in hundreds of years ago, is not uncommon.
We have seen the publication of many of the world famous, have been funding aristocratic elite, in a certain sense, then, has been implanted on the ad. “Famous writer, told reporters Thinker among the Country.

“I think with the increasing pace of transformation of the publishing industry, publishing industry will become increasingly market-oriented higher placement in a number of books to stimulate the successful cases, some excellent books on advertising agencies to put more into our line of sight, more and more number of best-selling book will have more product placement. “Relay Press to promote research of the Department of Renchang Xiao Wu said. On Haibeibeite Culture Communication Co., Ltd edit Yu-hung, said: “Not every author is willing ad, and if the lack of influence of words, advertisers are not necessarily willing to spend money into advertising. In addition to fiction, other kind of book, it is difficult to insert ads, to say that trend, too exaggerated. ”

Xu Zhu said the media were using “fear” to express their feelings: “It was very impetuous literature, the young writers to see if this ‘benefit’, then the future may be even more impetuous literary works, the more vulgar.”

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