Restoring Order to Your Garage

Restoring order to your garage is a task that may be extremely time consuming so it is one that many people put off, but eventually need to face. If you want to restore order to your garage then you simply have to put your mind to it and dedicate some energy to the process.

The good news is that taking back control of your garage is a task that can be accomplished and although it does come with its challenges it may be easier that you think. Here are some ways to get order back in your garage:

– Rule of Six: Almost everyone has boxes that are piled up in their garage. If you have a big mess of these you can always subscribe to the rule of six. The rule of six states that if you have something boxed up and stashed away for six months or more, than you probably will never use it and you should get rid of it. This is not to say that you shouldn’t go through your boxes though as you never know what sentimental items are around that you may still want to hold onto. However, if you are honest with yourself then you will see just how many items that you are holding onto that will probably never see the light of day with you again.

– Garage Sale: Is there any better motivator than money? When you go through your things and you end up with a huge pile of stuff that you no longer want, don’t just throw it all away, have a garage sale. This will allow you the opportunity to put a little bit of extra cash in your pocket and will motivate you to get organized in the first place. With a small advertisement in your local paper and some strategically placed signs on the side of the road, you can have an effective garage sale that is sure to rid you of much of your unwanted items.

– Storage: Even after you subscribe to the rule of six and you hold a garage sale there will probably still be plenty of boxes filled with items that you do not want to get rid of. However, if you keep them in your garage, you are defeating the purpose of trying to restore order. This is a good time to load up all of your things that you simply can’t part with and rent a storage unit. This offers you the best of both worlds. You get your garage back and can actually use it for your car if you want to and you get to keep your things that mean so much to you.

Your garage was meant for many things, but being a catch all and an unorganized storage space was not one of them. Get control of your garage back by getting down and dirty and employing the above methods. Once you have an organized and relatively empty garage, you will wonder how you ever got along without one.

Author Bio: Get free rate quotes from multiple self storage facilities in your area.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: restoring order,garage sale,effective garage, clean garage, orlderly garage

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