Self Defence Training and Martial Arts Techniques

When it comes to self defence training, there are several basic martial arts techniques that at the core of every good program. When used correctly as an average person on the street, they can help you in the unfortunate event you are the victim of a violent crime, mugging, or assault. If you are a competitive and skilled fighter or martial arts practitioner the will be the building blocks of your discipline – the tools you use in sparring matches, tournaments, and professional competitions.

Basic Martial Arts Techniques

1.Strikes and Blows: When it comes to self defence training strikes and blows are some of the most common movements. Generally speaking, striking refers to your standup offensive strategies. They are your kicks, punches, headbutts, knees, elbows and other attacks. At their core, strikes are designed to be your tools for aggression. They help you wear down your opponent.

2.Blocks: You’re going to have to accept that fact that your opponent is going to strike back in self defence training. One of the martial arts techniques that you can use to minimize the blow is a block. Blocking is the act of stopping your opponents strike before it is completed. The arms are most commonly used for blocking, but your legs will be used sometimes too.

3.Stance and Footwork: Sometimes footwork is underrated, but the best martial artists work day in and day out perfect their footwork skills. You can tell the difference between an average fighter and a great fighter by checking out his footwork. Your stances are important to, as they are where you derive your support and balance during a match.

4.Takedowns: Takedowns occur when you actually bring your opponent to the ground. There are many different ways to accomplish a takedown. You can try using strikes and blows. Wrestling moves can also bring an opponent down during a fight.

5.Throws: Throws are actually a kind of take-down, but there more defensive than they are offensive. During a throw, you maneuver to use your opponent’s own strength against him. The end result is that your opponent is brought swiftly to the ground.

6.Submissions: Choke holds and joint locks are examples of martial arts techniques known as submissions. They are an important part of self defence training. The goal is to force your opponent to give up or submit. If he doesn’t give up, however, serious injuries can result.

For every martial arts discipline the type of techniques employed will vary. From Kung Fu to Karate to Tae Kwon Do, each one emphasizes different strategies and specific techniques, but most of them fall into one the previous six categories. When you lean these tools, you build a solid foundation in self defense and martial arts training that can be used whether you compete professionally or as an amateur.

A good training program covers these core principles and teaches you how to employ them effectively and swiftly – like they are second nature.

Author Bio: For more information about self defence training, please check out martial arts techniques.

Category: Sports
Keywords: self defence training, martial arts techniques

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