SEM Tips to Design Persuasive PPC Ads

If you want to have a successful PPC ad campaign, you are first going to have to design some highly persuasive ads. Although keyword selection and proper bidding techniques are also important considerations, you must have an eye-catching and compelling ad in order to entice web visitors to click and visit your site. The more persuasive your ad, the better your chances of getting site visitors. Here are some tips you can use to design more persuasive and effective PPC ads for your next campaign:

Speak to Your Customers

When designing your ad, keep your key target audience clearly in mind. You’ll want to design your ad to speak to them in a way that they can understand and respond to. For example, you wouldn’t want to use a lot of complicated technical jargon unless you knew your target audience would understand that kind of language. When designing the text for your ad, think in terms of using the same sort of language that you would employ if you were actually speaking to a person. You should also match your language to your key audience’s needs and expectations. If you know your product appeals to the budget-conscious person, play up the economical aspects of your product. On the other hand, if you deal in luxury products, you would want to take an entirely different approach in your ads.

Provide Solutions and Solve Problems

If you have the ability to solve problems and provide solutions for people, make sure to point this out in your ads. People are highly motivated to make a purchase when they can see how they will be directly benefited by the product they buy. People don’t really buy a product or a service – instead, what they are really buying is something that is going to provide a solution in their life. Speak to your customers about what your product or service will do for them, and what benefits they will find in the features. You’ll get much better results than if you just list what the product features are. It is important to remember that there is a difference between a “feature” and a “benefit,” at least in the eyes of the consumer. Features are just a list of what a product does, while benefits are what the product can do for the buyer. Give your customers a reason to buy, and you’ll be rewarded with product sales.

Always Include a Call to Action

It’s not enough to tell your potential customers about your products and services. Instead, you need to give them some specific instructions in regards to what they should do next. Keep in mind that most PPC programs prohibit telling people to “click here” in your advertisement. However, once they arrive on your landing page after clicking your link, you should provide them with some clear direction about what their next action should be. On your site, “click here,” “order now,” and “enter your e-mail here” are all perfectly acceptable, and can help lead a casual site visitor to make a purchase.

Author Bio: For more information on search engine marketing and pay per click advertising, contact
an internet marketing specialist at

Category: Internet
Keywords: seo

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