Social Networking and 5 Easy, Cheap Or Free Ways to Increase Traffic to WebSite

Most website owners struggle with an important aspect, knowing how to increase traffic to their site. This is more straightforward than it gives the impression to be. The majority of website owners do not realize there are easy tactics essential to increase website traffic. There are numerous ways to increase traffic to your website, both free and paid, but surely nearly everyone would opt for the free techniques. This is a list of some free tactics which you can use to help you increase traffic to your website, increase your conversion rate, and finally increase sales with these easy methods:

Manual Article Submission – It is not a secret that content is king, nor is it a secret that Google loves superior quality content. So, give them what they want! Be certain to write a well balanced keyword enhanced article that Google will love and that will be interesting and readable to a real person. It is advised that you formulate a different article for each site you will post to. This helps keep duplicate content to a minimum. However, do not do it often because it will still be considered duplicate content anyhow. Are you in need of help with your writing? This blog provides advice and offers article writing.

Blog Commenting and Forum – This is an excellent tactic to increase visitors to your site via your anchor signature. Add worthy comments and stay away from spam-like posts that do not add information or value. Participate, collaborate with advice, share your opinion, ask relevant questions and you can even respectfully disagree with the moderator or blog owner. Doing so may create curiosity and motivate people to click on your anchor link and increase traffic to your site.

Social Networks – Verbally spreading the word continues to be very effective. But today, one comment can instantly be seen by hundreds and even thousands of prospective buyers. Therefore, join a social networking site. Begin creating friends and followers, and promote your product or service professionally and in a non-invasive way.

Email Marketing – Write attractive and eye catching subject lines. The email body should be clear and straightforward. Don’t just write an advertisement or sell your product or services. It is best to present valuable information and offer a solution to your readers’ problems. Once you are done with your Ad, send it out to your email list, and then do a search in Google for the best solo ads that will deliver your copy.

Traffic Exchange – Marketers who do not quite grasp the value of a traffic exchange often misjudge them or do not know how to utilize them to benefit their sites. Depending on what it is that you are marketing, but an affiliate program, MLM and some specific businesses respond extremely well to traffic exchanges. The weight of a traffic exchange is in the repetitive nature of its surf page. Repetition is an important factor in branding and establishing a website. This recurrence makes a traffic exchange the ideal means for promoting a new site launch. Some of the traffic exchange sites can also aid in increasing your Alexa ranking.

These extremely useful assets are inexpensive and even free, and help increase traffic to your site. Advertise your business, beat your competitors and lead the game. Sooner than later you will begin to see a payoff.

Author Bio: James Snow, is an experienced Internet Marketer and Owner of – PRAS – Traffic Exchange, Email Marketing (Solo Ads) and Social Networking for business, entrepreneurs, internet marketers, referral programs. Including classified ads, banners and social bookmarking to increase traffic.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: increase traffic, social networking, email marketing, traffic exchange

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