Tea Tree Oil to Cure Almost Anything

Tea Tree Oil has been used for centuries in Australia as an antiseptic to treat various types of infection. The aborigines have used crushed the leaves of this species of Melaleuca family of trees to treat infected wounds. It was often used in the Second World War to treat infections. The oil is distilled from the leaves of the plant using steam or water distillation.

It not only combats bacterial problems such as strep throat but it also has anti fungal and anti viral properties as well. In the old days when antibiotics didn’t exist, people would use tea tree oil to help fight against colds and flu. It is a treatment that still works today. You just add a couple of drops of the oil to hot water and inhale the steam. Steaming works by opening the pores and the tea tree oil will fight the source of the infection be it bacterial or viral. Do take care not to burn yourself though.

The oil from the Tea Tree is very effective in treating fungal infections such as athlete’s foot or ringworm. It also works well when used to treat acne although you have to be careful not to apply the oil direct to the skin as it can result in an allergic reaction. It is much kinder and more effective to add a few drops of the tea tree oil to carrier oil and then apply the resulting preparation to your face. Alternatively you can buy prepackaged formulas made from these natural ingredients to help treat an outbreak of zits.

The oil made from the leaves of this tree is not toxic so can be safely used for the treatment of genital infections such as warts, herpes and thrush. You can safely use it in the bath for home treatments. It is also an active ingredient in many commercially prepared products used to treat these conditions.

Every home should have a bottle of this oil in the medical chest. It can be applied neat to stings from insects or plants. If you or your partner suffers from bad breath, you can try gargling with a mixture of oil, water and alcohol. It may not taste great but it will reduce the effects of your halitosis.

If you are going to use this oil, you should apply a small bit to your skin first to ensure that you are not allergic. Most people will not be sensitive but there is always the minority that could experience a reaction. Remember that just because something is a natural product, it doesn’t mean that it cannot cause an allergic reaction in some people.

You can use this oil with other antiseptic oils such as lavender or lemon to improve the smell. On its own it has a strong spicy smell which may not be attractive. A lot of skin care companies will use this oil in their preparations such as for anti dandruff shampoos but they usually will add some perfumes to hide the smell of the tea tree oil.

Author Bio: Find out more uses of Tea Tree Oil. Get a Flair Air Purifier to improve the quality of air in your home.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: tea tree oil,tea tree,safely used,help treat,tree oil,products used,prepared products used

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