The Factors That May Influence Your Risk of Cancer

Cancer has become one of the most problematic disease s in the world. There are certain factors that make you more prone to this disease rather than others. It depends on the care that you receive from the government.

According to a US report, people who do not get health care are likely to be victims of cancer. Such lack also includes no provision of health insurance and doctors. Even a poor cancer treatment system can also cause this issue. The quality of health care is also low because minorities do not have access to it for reasons like poverty.

Thus people who are minorities don’t get genetic testing which can tell them whether they will suffer from this disease or not. Therefore, Hispanic women do not have Pap smear test, which lets anyone know whether she has a genetic history of breast cancer.

Minority women also have a hesitation to appear for these tests even though they have a family legacy of such diseases.

The kind of cancer care also depends on the income of a person. People with high incomes can get care from suggested hospitals and are likely to be admitted into them. The uninsured poor patients cannot get the kind of suggested care.

Sometimes, the doctors who are treating poor people for cancer are not even board certified. This is not the case with American patients. In addition, smoking increases your chances of getting this disease. It can ensure that you become a victim of this disease. Apart from lung cancer, active smokers can also suffer from bladder, throat cervix, mouth cancer due to tobacco. Even colon cancer can also be caused due to smoking. People also get cancer through passive smoking when they inhale smoke produced by other people.

Even a person can control his/her reduce food intake to ensure that he does not suffer from this ailment. For example, animal fat can make you more prone to this ailment. Therefore, it is best that you avoid consuming red meat which is a rich source of animal fat. In addition, people should follow an active lifestyle. People who do not go for daily exercise have higher chances of developing colon and breast cancer. Even being overweight can increase the risk of this ailment for you. A diet rich in fats can also produce breast cancer. People who are excessively weighted are at a higher risk for uterine cancer and colon cancer in men. You should also consume vegetables and fruits which are rich sources of anti oxidants and can curb the incidence of this ailment.

Always use an anti UV cream when you go out in the sun. It is necessary because otherwise you can be infected with cancer, which accounts for almost 2% deaths due to this ailment.

Even a high alcohol intake can cause this ailment. People should restrain their intake of this substance to almost 1 drink for females. People can suffer from liver cancer.

Author Bio: SaJune Orlando Medical Center in Florida specializes in bioidentical hormones, anti-aging, detoxification, ob/gyn, nutrition and weight loss programs.

Category: Cancer Survival
Keywords: cancer risk

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