The Two-Hit Guarantee

If you look in the mirror in the morning and see a skinny, weak person, you probaly don’t have much confidence in the realm of self defense. But would you be surprised to find out that when it comes to defending yourself, size has absolutely nothing to do with it. Let me explain. Of course, in some forms of fighting, size has a lot to do with it. Boxing for example. But self defense with close combat training is a whole different ball game. Chris Pizzo has developped a method of self defense that will not only give you the ability to take someone twice your size down with two hits, but can also restore your self-esteem and pride.

Among the many other things that students of Pizzo learn through his DVD collection is how to maintain the mental alertness and stability in a high octane situation to become the victor. He teaches that the mental aspect of a fight is just as, or possibly even more important than the physical aspect. By simply being more calm and alert than your opponent, you already have the upper hand before the fight even starts. But of coure these things can’t be learned overnight. It is a gradual process of gently becoming more aware of your state of mind and your emotions. This is especially important when you are in a high stress situation. This doesn’t necessarily mean a fight, but could be an argument or an awkward situation. By training your mind to be aware of itself and how it reacts, you will soon be able to control your stress level without even thinkng about it.

Close combat training of course must also involve some physical moves. But don’t let yourself be discouraged by the words close combat. You do not need to have any past experience with any type of martial arts experience in order to fully grasp and implement these simple strategies. But if you do have prior experience in martial arts such as tai kwan do or karate, it will surely play out to your advantage. Simply stated, the more you know, the more you have available to you. But in any case, someone with no experience at all can gain the fighter’s mentality and physical nature in only a matter of days.

Chris Pizzo knows what it’s like to be afraid for your life. While he was undergoing chemotherapy treatment and not up to par physically, he and his wife were brutally assaulted. He was not able to defend them agains the attackers and only survived due to a stroke of life. After that day, he never wanted to feel that way ever again. And he also didn’t want anyone else to be faced with a situation that they couldn’t handle. So he dedicated the rest of his life to learning as much as humanly possible about every style of martial arts. But it wasn’t until he found close combat training that he knew he had found the perfect solution.

Author Bio: For more tips and information about close combat training please visit Chris Pizzo

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Chris Pizzo,close combat training,Captain Chris,learn self defense,martial arts,hand to hand combat

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