The Watergate Burglary an American Political Watershed

“Watergate” what is considered by many in the political and news analysis fields to be a watershed of American political scandals began on June 17, 1972, when five burglars were captured in the Democratic National Committee headquarters located in the Watergate Office Building in Washington. In terms of comparisons to present and even past events the Watergate event and its actions may seem rather pidly and trifling today – yet the term Watergate seems to both describe and encompass cover-ups by politicians at the highest levels. Many important governments overseas were miffed that such a simple event overall, of little merit or consequence could of have had such far reaching actions and effects on important American politicians and the US political landscape of the time.

To begin with in reality truth is often stranger than fiction. It is always amazing – such as for example with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy how seemingly impossible coincidences with the probabilities of one in a zillion seem to crop up when dealing with important , powerful and famous people and major world turning events. For example one of the major players in the planning of events Howard Hunt – who was a former C.I.A. officer of great experience and experience and a political thriller author as well – had penned a novel with such an event on its pages. The one slip up in planning and follow though of the operation, which did in the “burglars “resulting in their capture – was prepared for a prevented through logistical provisions and planning in the novel. All for the sake of the exclusion in planning of a simple door spring – to hold open a door – were the Watergate burglars caught.

The first question might have been “What were the Watergate burglars doing there in the first place?” This is a question experts on the field as well as conspiratorial analysts and spoofs seldom ask. It seems that presidential candidate Richard Nixon as absolutely paranoid after scandals and his involvement with the wealthy irrational scion of the day – Howard Hughes. Nixon was convinced, at the time and with the limited information available that a scandal which broke just before Nixon’s presidential bid in 1960 was due to a taint of scandal involving Hughes money. Nixon’s brother Donald had a hamburger chain, Donald Nixon’s hamburger chain was loaned capital by a Hughes company and coincidentally Hughes’s airline TWA was awarded important flight routes by the government agency. In the same manner Howard Hughes had given cash to the Nixon campaign in 1972. The money was sitting as cash in a safety deposit box in a savings and loan in Florida of one of Nixon’s close friends – Charles “Bebe “Rebozo. The Republicans knew that the Democrats knew of this money – however they did not know how much the Democratic Party of the US knew in detail about the source and origin of these funds. The Nixon group was determined to know how much they did know, and could these funds be safely allocated for use in the Presidential political campaign. Hence the Watergate breakup was planned coordinated and executed.

In the end all in all, it was not even the initial funds or curiosity about the origin of these funds that brought the downfall and resignation from active political life of one of the most powerful men in the world at the time – Richard M. Nixon. Rather it was how events were handled, what was considered a basic abuse of power, through a cover-up at high political levels rather than simply and quickly dealing with a political liability promptly and thoroughly. Yet hindsight is always 20/ 20 vision.

Author Bio: Kirk I Inkster Tratfor

Category: Politics
Keywords: politics,political,news,political analysis,US,American,Watergate,President Nixon,Kissinger

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