Tips For a Successful Customs Border Protection Officer Career

The main duty of a customs border protection officer is to protect the American border around the clock from the entry of illegal persons or goods. Customs border patrol (CBP) officers, as they are sometimes called, are uniformed government law enforcement officers whose role was created by an act of Congress aimed at curbing the growing entry of illegal immigrants and the trafficking of contraband goods.

The May 1924 Act of Congress carved out the unit from the then Bureau of Immigrations border guards. CBP officers serve under the US Customs and Border Protection agency which is a unit of the Department of Homeland Security.

CBP officers must monitor the 6,000 mile terrestrial border with Mexico and Canada as well as the 2,000 mile long coastal strip along the Florida peninsula. The single most important task of a customs border patrol officer is the line watch.

The term refers to the surveillance and monitoring of the border for the purposes of detecting and preventing the entrance of illegal immigrants and smugglers. This task is carried out using either one of several approaches including surveillance aircraft, cameras, infra red scopes and motion detectors.

In the event that illegal entry does successfully take place, the CBP agents are trained to follow track marks as well as other signs of entry and carry out searches on nearby farms, ranches and the secluded settlements often found near borders. At each border entry point, the CBP agent observes traffic and carries out routine checks on cars and persons passing through. All documentation must be verified to confirm its authenticity and validity. As a law enforcement officer, a customs border patrol agent is mandated by law to arrest any illegal immigrant or person involved in moving contraband.

To become a customs border patrol agent, one must be below the age of thirty seven and possess a bachelor or associate degree as well as a valid driving license. They must also pass the Border Patrol exam that is conducted in three phases. The goal of the exam is to assess one’s reasoning skills and the ability to understand Spanish.

Of the three stages of the exam, the first stage is where screening takes place – this is a preliminary assessment where candidates are appraised on their suitability for the position. Those that pass the first stage move on to the second stage which is the oral interview.

The oral interview is where each applicant is tested on their ability to make sound judgment under pressure as well as their problem solving skills. People skills are also checked during this stage.

The third stage is a physical exam, a drug test and a background check including security clearance. Persons that are recruited after passing these three stages must then participate in a training program at the Border Patrol Academy in New Mexico, where they are taught Spanish, firearm use and safety, motor vehicle operation and courses on criminal law, immigration and behavioral science.

If you have aspiration to become a law enforcement officer, check out the CBP officer career. Get as much information as you can so you are better prepared. There are online websites that can help you do this.

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Author Bio: Copywrite Kenneth Echie. Kenneth is a writer, expert author, and publisher. He currently writes for Criminal Justice Schools. Get free scholarship report and learn to Become Customs Border Protection Officer by visiting. Affiliated website: Residual Income

Category: Career
Keywords: Customs Border Protection Officer,Customs Border Patrol Officer,CBP Officer Career,CBP Officer Jobs

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