To Win Back Ex Fast – You Must Know This Important Concept

You broke up with your ex and you are desperately wanting to win ex back. So, you keep on calling your ex after the break up. The scenario would most probably be that your ex is not accepting your calls. Please stop doing so. Bombarding your ex with tons of phone calls can not get your ex back but pushing them further away.

After the break up, it is very normal that you miss your ex very much and want to hear his or her voice badly. For the case that you have done something wrong to cause the break up took place, you are hungry for the forgiveness from your ex. The fact is that staying away from your ex right after the separation is the best move. Why?

Your begging will not soften your ex’s heart but make him or her feels that you are weak and uninteresting. Your ex will not value you if you keep on clinging on to your ex. Based on my experience, refrain yourself from calling your ex for the first week is a must. This period can let you think about what you can do to win your ex back. To win back your ex is a big project. You can not do this without a proper plan.

While making the plan within the first week on how to win back your ex, you need to relax and engage in some healthy activities like hanging out with friends, spending time with your family members. Doing this can make your mind clear. Engaging in some activities can ease your feeling on missing your ex. 1 week would pass very fast.

When you ex finds out that you are not contacting him or her after the break up, he or she will find it weird. Your ex will start to think about what has went wrong and what he or she has done wrongly to make you stay away from him or her. Within this week, your ex’s heart might soften and your ex will probably start missing you.

Did you get the point? You have to make your ex think that you are important to him or her.

After a week or two, it is then your turn to take action. You can call you ex to give him or her an apology. The apology must be sincere. You need to let your ex know that you care about him or her and are willing to change to the person that he or she wants you change to. It really doesn’t matter if your ex shows that he or she is still angry or impatient. As long as your ex is willing to accept your call and talk to you, you are well on your way to getting your ex back successfully.

Winning back your ex is not that hard. The hardest part is whether or not you are willing to make the first move to plan and put that into action with a persistent mindset.

Author Bio: Click here to check out a free step-by-step guide that reveals to you the best strategy on how to win back ex fast at

Category: Break-up
Keywords: relationships,advice, win back ex, break up

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