Use Press Releases to Announce Your Business!

Marketing effectively online requires a number of different processes that must blend together and flow like a well oiled machine when you’re promoting your business opportunity. Not everyone who markets online knows how to do this process and many don’t really care to learn. This is where it may be to your advantage to acquire the professional services of a marketing expert to help you in this ever changing process of promoting your business.

One critical element many of the professionals use for successful marketing results is using press releases on a regular basis. Just putting out a press release by itself probably won’t give you the recognition you feel you might deserve. However, including press releases in your overall strategies will make an excellent, well rounded, powerful marketing campaign come alive.

A press release for online distribution is rather easy to create, informative to the reader and easy to distribute. Your press release should include between 400-800 words in total and should be written in the 3rd person format. There are no limits regarding the amount of press releases you can write and distribute so use this marketing tool to your advantage.

If you’ve had something exciting in your marketing efforts then do a press release on that specific issue and share it with the masses on the internet. Let’s say that you recently started using a remarkable marketing tool and you signed up as an affiliate for that product and the new system has been producing some fantastic results. Wouldn’t that be something to write about in a press release promoting your affiliate opportunity and asking users to join you in your new venture?

Think about what some of your existing clients questions have been over the last few weeks and the answers you gave that client. Write them down and then expand on that issue. Think of other questions that you had when you first started using the program and write down the answers to those questions. You now have a basis for issuing a press release about your latest and greatest addition to your marketing endeavors.

Once you get your press release written and you’ve met all the guidelines for publishing press releases then publish your release on your website, blogs and any submission service that you can find that will publish your new found opportunity. Many of the free publishing services have a limited time they will leave your release live on the internet. In some cases you will find that these free services will only keep your release for two years or less.

By publishing your press release on your own website, personal or business blog, forum or possibly your own article directory, these releases can include multiple permanent links pointing back to your website. The search engines love back links so the more links you can generate the higher your page ranking will appear when a search query is made containing your keywords or keyword phrases. In article directories you can normally place up to three links in the bio area of your press release, blog or directory post.

Don’t forget to hand index the unique URL of your press release to at least the big three search engines. Since most of the queries are made through Google, Yahoo and Bing your site should see some substantial movements in the search engine results. Some of the bigger press release companies are associated with some of the bigger most respected publishers on the internet so don’t overlook this tremendous opportunity to get your name, your companies name and information in front of the major players.

Make your press release interesting, informative and don’t try to sell your product through the press release. Many of the publishers will pick up on your attempt to sell your opportunity and will ban your information from being published. If one of these major players in the publishing business decides to pick up your information, they will distribute your release to literally thousands of other publishers and your article may even be picked up and featured by one of the big boys. I’ve personally had some of my press releases syndicated and ended up with hundreds of thousands of hits. This type of promotion is powerful if done correctly. If you don’t know how to do a press release you can hire a professional marketing specialist to do it for you. Most of the time you can get a professional to write a good press release for about a hundred dollars on up. Believe me it’s worth every penny of the cost to have it done correctly by someone who knows what they are doing.

There are some of the press release publishers that will distribute your press release for free. Some charge a small fee for each release they publish. The paid versions will normally get a better exposure than the free programs. The paid versions also publish quickly where some of the free publishers may wait weeks to publish. Many times the free versions don’t even publish your information. If depends on their work load, the amount of paid releases they have and sometimes is seems like their mood even may play a part in whether they publish or not.

The paid versions of this process typically include better distribution to the news wires and search engines as well. It is my recommendation to go with the paid versions because of the extra value. It takes about the same amount of effort to do it right as it does to do it wrong. Let the system work for you the most effective way possible. In my experience with online marketing there are no shortcuts to get the results you deserve for the efforts you put forth. If you don’t understand this whole concept, then acquire the services of a professional early on in any of your projects.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your Press Release desires and needs. Call today for your free 30 minute “no obligation” consultation.

“Let’s Build Your Business Together”

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Author Bio: Larry L Miller – SEM/SEO Consultant who specializes in promoting clients to “Top Positions on Google” and other leading search engines. Mr. Miller is the promotions director for BLM Traders the leader in Automated Marketing Systems. Private Line: 321-594-4405, Skype: larrylmiller121

Category: Marketing
Keywords: BLM Traders, Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting, Article Marketing, Article Directories

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