What Are The 14 Signs Of Autism And How Can Society Help?

A nurse in Baby Phat Scrubs encountered a young boy in the hallway of the hospital. The boy did not look her in the eyes and kept on repeating pointing at the poster on the nearby wall. Another hospital worker in Landau 8219 approached the young boy with concern and asked him about his parents whereabouts. The young boy just kept on pointing at the poster and did not answer the questions of the medical worker. Then, both of them realized the young boy has just showed signs of autism.

Autism is a rampant public health concern. It is a condition of the brain wherein the autistic individual does not seem to conform to social and behavioral development usually characterized by their having a world of their own. No social or third party stimuli can make them react in the normal way or make them behave according to the rules of society. Other than their social and behavior lack of development, they seem to grow normally in the physical aspect. They look like normal persons in the outside but once you get to know how they interact or the lack of interaction, there you can see the signs of autism.

First sign of autism is avoiding eye contact like the situational example of the young boy above. What people can do about this is try not to scare or insist on having their eyes met by autistic persons so they can calmly deal with them.

Second sign of autism is preference of being alone. The young boy example might be one of those kids who just stay on the sides of the playground and seems not to mind the other kids. Supervision for the autistic is important for their safety as they evade company and people most of the time.

Third sign is they echo words or phrases. Any person talking to an autistic person must be patient enough to understand the body language instead on relying on their words.

Fourth sign is difficulty in interacting with others. Like in the second sign, they usually stand out in the crowd because they keep to themselves most of the time.

Fifth sign would be spinning themselves or objects. Autism has the effect of repetitive body movements that explains why most autistic persons like to turn or twirl things over and over again without listening to the stop orders around them.

Sixth sign would be they insist on sameness all the time. Autistic persons do not like intervention in their routine tasks as they become more confused. Try to allow them this routine based actions so that they will not cause any disorder as they are prone to throwing tantrums when things do not go the way they have been going.

Seventh would be overly attachment to inanimate objects. Autistic individuals cannot identify a living from a non-living object so they are prone to have attachment to inanimate objects thinking they are real other individuals.

Eight sign would be unstoppable giggling or laughing. Do not be offended if an autistic person laughs or giggles at you for no reason. Their humors are very different from most people.

Ninth sign is they repel cuddling. These individuals are not socially decline so they do not like cuddling or affectionate gestures from other people.

Tenth sign of autism is using gestures to identify their needs. They do not have the right communication skills to interact with other individuals around them and so they usually use hand gestures to get what they want.

Eleventh sign would be insensitivity to auditory stimuli. They do not respond properly to sounds or instructions so they should be kept away from dangerous places as they do not follow warnings.

The twelfth sign is that they have no fear of dangers. As in the previous sign, they just do not know how dangerous a thing, person, or situation is to be scared. They should be constantly monitored so they stay out of trouble.

Thirteenth is that they do not know how to feel pain. They cannot express their level of pain because they do not know how to make it known.

And lastly, the fourteenth sign of autism is that they have to be under sustained routine play and have different verbal and physical skills level. Patience is required to teach an autistic person in the most basics things a usual person should be taught like personal hygiene and other daily activities.

Society is finding out more about autism by the steady campaign for communal efforts to help people with the disorder to live a normal life as much as possible. This is the only way people can help these individuals find a place in society.

Author Bio: Brent McNutt enjoys writing for Uniformhaven.com which sells Baby Phat Scrubs and Landau 8219 as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: autistic individual, behavioral development, autistic persons,society help

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