What Are the Alternatives to a Dirt Floor in Horse Stalls? Your Questions Answered

Having a dirt floor, as you will know if you have one, can be a lot of work. They take a lot of maintenance, especially when used with a straw bed. Have you ever thought how much easier your life would be if there was another choice. So what are the alternatives to a dirt floor in horse stalls? And what are the advantages of these alternatives?

Cost, ease of cleaning, level of maintenance, benefits to you and your horse are all issues you have to bear in mind when you are considering making any changes to your horses bedding arrangements.

An increasing number of people are using rubber matting in their horses stall. So whats all the fuss about? Rubber matting is very cost effective in the long run, although the initial outlay may seem expensive, it pays for itself over time.

If you look after it by cleaning it thoroughly and on a regular basis rubber matting can last for years. Damage done by the ammonia in horses urine will ruin the matting quicker than anything else but by following a cleaning regime this can be avoided. If you compare how long the matting will last to how much you would spend on straw or other alternative bedding you can see the cost advantage in the long run of rubber matting.

Rubber flooring is dust free and therefore is very good for horses (and humans) who have allergies or respiratory problems. This can save on veterinary bills and add to your time having fun with your horse when he is fit and well, rather than struggling with health problems.

For many horse owners who have an animal who will eat anything, anywhere, finding suitable bedding can be a nightmare. Horses can become very ill if they eat to much of their bedding. Rubber flooring is the perfect solution to this. Unless your horse develops a liking for rubber!

You can add a layer of your preferred bedding in winter if you wish. This will ensure that your horse is extra comfortable when the weather turns very cold. Although the matting on it’s own is quite warm and comfortable for horses to lie on.

Fed up with getting up 2 hours early on those cold dark mornings to clean out your horses stall? Fed up with chaffed hands and sore backs after lifting heavy wet bedding? If you are then the biggest advantage to you about rubber matting will be how easy it is to maintain and keep clean.

A mild cleaning agent and water are all you need to keep your matting clean. You will need to clear any extra bedding from the surface, which should have absorbed any urine, then wash the matting down. Make sure you rinse any cleaning fluid thoroughly to avoid any damage to your horse.

If you like the idea of the comparative ease with which rubber matting can be maintained then it is something that might be worth looking into for you. Your horse is most likely happy with his current bedding arrangements, but he might be even happier with matting.

Author Bio: A reliable source of high-quality rubber mats is a great investment to make. Stall flooring can not only help your horses’ health, but rubber mats are also more convenient in terms of maintenance.

Category: Pets
Keywords: horse mats, horse stables, horse stalls, equestrian, animals

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