What Equipment is Essential to Set Up Your Own Massage Therapy Practice?

It is great to manage to start your own business. One job that can provide this option is the massage therapy business. Once you have your massage license, you can branch off and start your own practice. As long as you have a devoted client base, you are guaranteed for success.

But what is needed to start your own massage therapy practice? First, you must consider your space. A massage practice that is located in a noisy building with be very counterproductive for the overall calming aesthetic you need to create for your clients in order to succeed. Take your time and consult with your realtor. Make sure they understand exactly what you will be using your space for so they can give you the best advice available.

Once you have located your space, you need to make an accurate list of all the equipment you will need. Depending on how large you want your practice to be, it is important to assess the number of massage tables you will require. They will be the most expensive part of your equipment list, so make sure you don’t buy more than what you will be able to get a return on. There are three main types of massage tables; stationary massage tables, portable massage tables and electric massage tables.

Clearly if you want your clients to come to you in your new business space, you are going to want to invest in a proper stationary massage table. However, one of the great things about being a massage therapist is that you can drastically decrease your overheads by being a therapist who travels to his or her clients. Many people love the option that they will not have to leave the comfort of their own home in order to get a relaxing massage. This increases the overall effect of the calming factor. By reducing your client’s travel time, they will be more pleased with the result and be more likely to call you again. In addition, home services are generally more highly priced than if the client comes to you. By traveling to your client with a portable massage table you can increase your revenue by charging more.

Aside from tables, you will need to purchase the right oils for your massage therapy treatment. It is best to have a wide selection of scents, as each scent gives off a different effect. For example, mint soothes while citrus regenerates. Depending on the results your clients hope to achieve, it is great to have an option of scented oil and non-scented oil.

If you practice out of your own building your will need to get a supply of robes and maybe disposable slippers. Remember, the visual aesthetic of your office has to create a calming effect. Many people opt for running fountains and rock displays. As well, remember to always have a selection of relaxing music available for the convenience of your clients. While some like silence, others enjoy the soothing sounds of the ocean or music.

Author Bio: Advanced Massage therapy oils have increased the benefits of massage therapy over the years. Combined with sophisticated equipment massage therapy, advanced oils offer a surreal experience.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: massage therapy, health, medical equipment, medical

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