What Kind Of Girls You Must Not Date

We all know that there are certain kinds of girls we must not date because if we do, it could turn out to be a detrimental relationship or worse, a broken marriage. Okay, I am first to admit this is an assumption on my part, but guys, why take the risk of being terribly heart broken or maybe even financial ruin.

The crux of the matter is that men are attracted to women by sight and sometimes caution is being thrown out of the window especially so when the woman you should not date is a very beautiful girl. I am sure as a third party, you have seen someone who is dating a girl who is not suitable for him. Yet when everyone else can see that, the guy is blinded by it.

For example, this girl is seeing other guys behind Joe’s back but Joe is rich and is always trying to please her by buying her expensive gifts and taking her to exotic vacations and so she sticks with Joe but is still two timing him. Everyone can see that she is with Joe because of the money but Joe does not think so. Joe is either blinded by her beauty or is in a denial mode.

So in order not to become another Joe, don’t you think it is better to take precaution in identifying what kind of women we should not date and when one appears, our radars are up?

Simply put, when it comes to the dating game, there are certain kind of girls who can cause a variety of problems for guys. If you are able to avoid dating these women, then your dating life could be a beautiful romantic breeze.

So what kind of girls we should avoid? Here are four of them.

a) Sad Susan – This is the type who is always sad and depressed. She cast herself as the “victim” and see that the world is always against her. Life with her will be a constant battle to keep her happy. Her free time is spent either in front of a TV watching sad soap operas or is telling anyone within earshot that how life seems to be unfair to her. If you ended up with Sad Susan, your own outlook may even be influenced by her making both of you a depressed couple.

b) Money Mandy – This is Joe’s girlfriend we mentioned earlier. She only dates you for what you can materially provide for her. When you spent all your money on her and have your credit card maxed out, she will leave you and find another victim to date.

The good thing except maybe for Joe is that Money Mandy is easy to identify. This is because barely into your first date, she will be hinting for expensive gifts and asking for dinners in swanking up market restaurants. She talks about nothing except about her shopping and her liking for branded expensive products. If you can smell a rat, then she is the one because to her, you are simply a means to an end. Do you hear that, Joe?

c) Drama Diana – She is the drama queen, the emotional attention grabber. By dating Drama Diana, you can bet that your life will be filled with emotional roller coasters. Arguments and conflicts will be the routine rather than the exception. You have to constantly appease her dramatic and emotional appetite.

You can discern a Drama Diana by her strong emotional reaction to the slightest bit of provocation as she simply freaks out at the slightest incident. So if you do not want your life to be controlled and dictated by Drama Diana, stay far far away from her.

e) Bernice The Bride – Being a bride and getting married is first and foremost in her mind even on your first date. It does not matter to her if you are the right guy for her or vice versa, she will hint to you about walking down the aisle and starting a family. This is dangerous because you do not even know if both of you are made for each other and if you continue dating her, she will put pressure on you to tie the knot.

So now that you know what type of women you must not date, does your present girlfriend resemble anyone of the above?

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at How To Ask Girls For Dates and Are Women Attracted To Goodlooking Men?

Category: Dating
Keywords: what kind of women, must not date

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