Which Cold Sore Home Remedy Is The Best?

There is a multitude of home remedies for cold sores (also called oral herpes). Each person’s response to a home remedy is different, so you may need to try several remedies before you find the one that works for you. You may discover a combination of home remedies is most effective. The best home remedy is prevention. Both avoidable and unavoidable triggers activate the herpes virus that causes cold sores.

Avoidable triggers include:

– Fatigue
– Stress
– Direct sunlight

If possible, try to minimize your exposure to these triggers with good sleep habits, physical exercise or meditation techniques to reduce stress and applying sunscreen, on your lips as well, with a SPF of 15 or higher.

Unavoidable triggers are:

– Fever
– Influenza
– Common cold
– Menstruation
– Immune system changes
– Dental work
– Trauma

If you are sensitive or prone to unavoidable triggers, the home remedies below (listed in no particular order) may help:

1. No Touching: Cold sores are extremely contagious. The herpes virus attaches to your fingers when a cold sore is touched. If your fingers then have contact with your eyes or genitals, you risk eye infections and genital herpes. Should you touch a cold sore to apply a home remedy, wash your hands immediately. Whenever possible, use a Q-tip to apply ointments etc. directly onto cold sores.

2. Toothbrushes: As soon as you know a cold sore is forming, exchange your toothbrush for a
new one. When the cold sore has healed, change your toothbrush once again. Keep your
toothbrush in a dry cool area. The herpes virus can thrive in wet, humid conditions, such as the
bathroom. Replace your toothpaste frequently as tubes can transfer the herpes virus.

3. Ice Packs: An ice cube in a plastic baggie placed on the cold sore for no longer than 15 minutes will reduce discomfort and inhibit development of new cold sores. Dispose of the baggie.

4. Black Tea Bags: Application of warm black tea bags on the cold sore may assist. Black tea
contains tannic acid, which might counteract the herpes virus.
5. Milk: A cotton ball soaked in cold milk to may help reduce cold sore pain and promote healing.

6. Table Salt: Dip a moistened finger into a small amount of table salt and press it onto the cold sore. Throw out the leftover salt.

7. Honey: Apply honey directly to the cold sore. The Ancient Greeks used honey for its
antibacterial and wound healing qualities.

8. Garlic: Cut a garlic clove in half and rub it directly onto the cold sore. Eating fresh garlic and
taking garlic supplements is also beneficial.

9. Aloe Vera: This well-known healing agent, in juice or gel form, may boost healing.

10. Lemon Balm Extract: This is another healing means, which may reduce the duration of

11. Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil may promote healing with direct application to the cold sore. Never ingest tea tree oil. Tea tree oil has both antiviral and antiseptic properties. The oil will moisten scabs and diminish cracking.

12. Coconut Oil: A mixture of 1000 ml coconut oil, 2 ml Dettol and 3 ml carbolic acid applied twice a day to the cold sore may be helpful. The excess can be stored.

13. Astragalus: Astragalus is a herb available in either a concentrate form or capsules. It should not be used as a preventative.

14. Zinc: Zinc sulfate or zinc gluconate can be applied directly on the cold sore or zinc lozenges can be dissolved in the mouth. Zinc is a healing mineral.

15. Vitamin C: 2000 to 8000 mg of Vitamin C daily is a general preventative for viral infections, such as cold sores. Vitamin C is not effective without bioflavonoids.

16. Diet: Avoid arginine-rich foods, including chocolate, beer, soft drinks, grain cereal, peanuts,
cashews and gelatin. Arginine is essential for herpes virus reproduction.

17. Lysine: Lysine is an essential amino acid, which acts against arginine. A daily preventative
supplement and a double dose at the onset of a cold sore episode may be useful. Lysine should
not be used by pregnant or nursing mothers. Check with your doctor for dosage recommendations prior to usage.

18. Clear Nail Polish: Clear nail polish applied at the site of burning or tingling at the onset of a cold sore may stunt its development.

19. Hand Hygiene: Hand hygiene cannot be emphasized too greatly. Practice diligent sanitation with frequent hand washing or antibacterial hand cleanser.

20. Over-the-Counter Analgesics: Aspirin, Tylenol or Ibuprofen can help with cold sore pain.

Consult your doctor prior to testing home remedies to ensure they are safe and appropriate for you.

Author Bio: JB Harrison is a prestigious herpes researcher and he brings the best and latest information on combating herpes and cold sore out breaks. Visit:Best Cold Sore Home Remedy,visit http://www.CopingWithHerpes.com to get more of the best information on all things herpes and cold sore related.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: cold sore home remedy, herpes

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