Why Does Digital Photography Matter?

Although you may have never thought about it, digital photography has had an incredible impact on all of our personal lives. Shooting, protecting and sharing our special memories has never been easier than with digital photography. But the beauty of digital photos doesn’t end with taking great pictures of your family and friends. Digital technology has helped to improve far more than our ability to share and store photographs, and for many modern industries it is hard to remember a time before it existed.

Here are five industries revolutionized by digital photography and its technology:


The field of medicine has benefited greatly from the development of digital imagery. Thanks to the ease of transferring digital images, patient data can now be stored with relevant photographs and sent to any hospital in the world. By not having film, results for equipment like x-rays are faster and things like reference photographs can now be stored on a hard drive instead of taking up physical space in some storage room. Many endoscopic procedures available today would not be possible without the technology of digital.

The World of the Internet

Over the last ten years, the Internet has experienced a social revolution. What was once thought of as a place for nerds to gather in chat rooms has now become one of the most important communication tools in the world. A large element of this communication is the uploading, sharing, and downloading of photographs. In Facebook alone there are over 10 billion pictures and growing none of which would be possible without digital cameras. Whether it’s sharing images of a wedding or cell-phone photos of a crisis, digital has changed the way in which people share their stories on the web.

Outer Space

Space exploration is thought to be one of humanity’s most significant achievements. Cutting-edge technology has enabled scientists to view things in space that had never been seen before, and the digital cameras mounted on the Mars Exploration Rovers have helped to shed light on a planet once shrouded in mystery. Without the ability to process images as data and transmit that data across unimaginable distances, our view of space would still largely be limited to what we can see from Earth.

Sports Photography

Digital photography has completely changed how we capture sporting events and in order to fully appreciate it’s impact it requires a more thorough look. Since digital photography is not limited by film, there is really no cost difference between taking a thousand photographs or taking one. Now sports journalists can take thousands of images at an event and can increase their chances of getting the “one in a million” shot without risking the high cost of taking hundreds of shots using film.


At nearly every level of education, digital photography has helped to make learning more interactive, more rewarding, and more accessible. The low cost of taking digital pictures makes it great for student projects as well as giving students countless resources for research projects and presentations. Digital video, which uses the same technology as digital pictures, has helped improve our ability to communicate with people from around the world in real time and even take classes over cyber space.

It’s easy to take things for granted- like digital photography- that we use every day and have come to expect. But when you take a look back on all of the things that digital cameras have made possible, it’s hard to image our lives without them. From advanced medical procedures to a clearer view of the stars, digital has opened many doors that without it would have remained closed – possibly forever.

Author Bio: Autumn Lockwood is a writer for Your Picture Frames. Visit our website and see our decorative picture frames in a variety of color, styles and sizes. Shop online and see our special large picture frames and special small picture frames or call 1-800-780-0699.

Category: Arts and Crafts
Keywords: digital photography,digital photography 101

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