Why Network Marketing Or MLM is Not Illegal

So….you’re curious about network marketing or mlm. Maybe you even want to get involved in something, but you’re worried that someone just wants to scam you. Nothing wrong with skepticism, it’s healthy, and it keeps people out of trouble. I’ve been there and it’s okay to feel that way. Just get the facts before you judge.

I have to laugh when I see some of the critics and naysayers out there on the web. I especially love the ones that have a vendetta against any one particular company. I think to myself, “doesn’t this guy have anything better to do with his time and money than try to point out how a network marketing company “scammed” him?” It makes me wonder who he’s being paid by.

My point is this. The internet is the biggest bathroom wall in the world. There’s good info and bad info. Don’t be sucked in by the opinions of a few people, who most likely will never succeed at ANYTHING in their lives. On the other hand, there are some people who have gotten into some kind of marketing scam, and lost money. You have to be aware of those programs.

Network marketing or mlm in itself is NOT A SCAM. Why? Because it’s LEGAL!! Feel free to visit the FTC website. There is plenty of good information there to help you realize what is and isn’t legal. The problem… is that the critics of mlm would have you believe that ALL networking companies are bad because of the sins of a few. Not true.

I don’t care what all these guys online say about network marketing or mlm. It is the best legal way for the average person to create generous amounts of income for themselves. Some people even become wealthy. The truly successful people become wealthy by helping other people become wealthy.

Now, I’m not stupid and na

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