Women, Here’s What Not to Wear on Your First Date

Being no fashion addict myself, I feel I can still have a good stab at some date attire avoidance suggestions. There are just some items that should remain neatly tucked at the back of any girl’s wardrobe, especially when considering what to wear on a first date.

1. Strapless tops/boob tubes

Has the term ‘boob tube’ actually been uttered since 1985? Maybe not, but you take my point. Strapless tops, or ‘tubes for boobs’, are not a good choice for a first date. The amount of constant fiddling required to keep them up just isn’t worth it! Besides, whether flat or ample chested, they never really work in my humble opinion, as you can get a bit ‘low slung’ or ‘ironing board’, can’t you?

2. Shiny 6-inch heels

God bless high heels. I have one friend who was born wearing them I reckon and full respect to her! But I would say it’s best not to go too high-heely on a first date, for two main reasons; 1. you don’t want to tower above your date in some teetering stance, with the risk of treading on his toes with your killer bond girl spikes and 2. you don’t want to end up in A&E with a broken nose.

3. Snoods

This is getting a bit retro, but remember these? I must confess I had one and they weren’t pretty were they? Unless you’re actually aiming for the Lithuanian peasant girl look (and heaven knows, it may be ‘on trend’ next season), avoid.

4. Ra-ra or puff-ball skirts

I was thinking, why not go the whole hog and dredge up these for my list, especially as 80’s fashion does seem to be in at the moment. Thankfully these haven’t figured on the high street again to my knowledge (yet…), but there’s nothing like an advance word of warning. No date will want you turning up with some odd-shaped skirt on – which either rustles about too much (ra-ra), or doesn’t move at all and just makes your bum look enormous (puff ball) – fact!

5. (Colourful) bra straps on show

From no straps at all, to too much strap on show – what’s a girl to do Gok, eh? I suggest you keep your bra straps under control on a first date. Don’t have them on show, especially if they are skin-coloured (unsexy), red (minxy), or green (alternative!). Leave your undies to his imagination (….at least until you’ve got time to purchase some decent stuff!).

6. White clothes in general

Yes, white outfits might spell ‘summer’, ‘cool’ and ‘fresh’, but to me they say ‘I can see your knickers’ and ‘potential red wine/salsa emergency’. I’m a big advocate of wearing black or dark colours on a first date, just to avoid any ‘food or drink down your front’-related embarrassment. It happens!

7. Vintage outfits

I admire people who can pull off the whole vintage thing and I do actually like vintage clothing, but I think it could be quite intimidating or perplexing to sit opposite a date who is dressed head to toe in some 50s creation. I guess the odd jacket or skirt might be passable, but save the full beehive for a later date!

8. Shorts

Even if you have great legs, shorts and first dates just don’t seem good bed fellows somehow. You either exude sportiness (which may scare some chaps off) or, if you wear them with tights, say, look a bit of a hippy with a mix ‘n’ match wardrobe problem. Tight fitting shorts or baggy, leave them at home!

9. Knitted dresses or skirts

I had a knitted suit once, in green. A jacket and skirt. I thought I was the bees knees in it until one of my best friends made me see sense. We were clearing out my wardrobe and she picked it up and simply said ‘no’; a moment which sticks in my mind to this day. Avoid having to share in the mistakes I’ve made. Say no to knitwear of the dress/skirt variety.

10. Tartan/dotty/silly tights

Patterned tights in general are a ‘no’ – and on a first date, a definite ‘don’t be silly’. Most guys would not get that you were trying to make a real fashion statement with them, or trying to reflect your ‘cheeky’ or ‘creative’ side. They’d probably just be wondering what on earth you were planning to wear for date two (with some trepidation).

Fashion tips from the unfashionable! Girls, I propose that you steer a wide path away from the above, at least for your first date. Save the delights of your wardrobe for subsequent meetings; and pop that knitted skirt firmly in the ‘charity’ pile.

Author Bio: Kirstie Newell is a dating tips blogger at Easy Find A Date

Category: Dating
Keywords: dating,relationships,tips,fashion

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