Writing Powerful Content For Readers and Search Engines!

It’s important to capture the attention of your readers quickly in any writings that you do. There’s no better place than in the title of your article. Try to use two or three of your keywords in the title if at all possible. Many people look at the title and make a choice of whether to read any further or not. By making your title keyword specific you can target a broader reading audience much quicker.

Some writers feel that the longer the title of an article the better. The length of your title doesn’t really matter as long as long as you capture the attention of your reading audience and they continue to read your article to the end. Try to put yourself in the mind of your readers and think as they would think about what you’re trying to convey to the masses.

There are hundreds of article online discussing every topic one can imagine. Your only edge to get people to read your article may be the targeted title you finally end up with and publish. The title is the first thing people look at so be very careful when deciding what you end up using for a title.

Once you’ve got the title that will captivate the attention of your readers, then you must focus on the content of your writing. You are not writing a mystery novel here so don’t keep your readers in suspense. In your first paragraph be specific about what you’re writing about using keywords that best describes your thoughts that can be found in the content of your article. Unless you get to the point rather quickly, your readers will quickly exit your writings and go to a competitor’s article that may captures their attention.

An equally important element that must be considered is the acceptance of your writings by the search engines. Writing for page rankings with the search engines is vitally important to a successful marketing campaign. The content of each site, blog, forum or article should be focused on pleasing the search engines with proper formatting as well as good keyword specific copy. A good rule of thumb is to use 5-7 keywords or keyword phrases well positioned in your article that are specific to your subject matter. Don’t use any keyword more than about 5 times in the full content of your article. Avoid keyword stuffing at all cost.

Be extremely cautious not to overdo the amount of keywords in your article. There are varied opinions by optimization specialist regarding what percentage is acceptable with the search engine without getting nailed for keyword stuffing and spamming. Some say from 3-5% is the maximum you should consider while others may go as high as 10% saturation of keywords to total word content. My personal opinion is why take the chance ….try to stay more to the low side with 5-6% ratios for acceptable saturation guidelines.

Be specific rather than using examples and metaphors. The search engines are robots not humans so you must be specific with good relevant keywords and phrases in all of your content.

Use short paragraphs for the benefit of your readers. Many individuals scan read and will read only the first few words of a paragraph. Your reading audience online is totally different than if you were writing a book. People on line are looking for answers to specific questions that are affecting their lives right now. If they want to read about witches and goblins they can go to Barnes and Noble and buy volumes of that type of reading material.

With the information available on line today people will spend an incredible amount of time skimming over volumes of material on any given subject before making a final choice for any purchase. Knowing this before you write will give you a competitive edge and a whole new perspective on how you write. Use this information to your advantage. Writing in small chunks will help those readers who skim read and permit them to make their choices much quicker than having to read volumes of unrelated information. Many people will read your title and closing remarks and then make a choice of whether to read the content of your article or not.

Write your articles in plain and simple English so your readers will feel totally comfortable reading what you have to say. Once you start getting technical, using fancy words or getting political you will lose a good share of your reading audience immediately.

Once you’ve stated your case and told your story about your product or service in the main content area of your site or article, then do a short recap at the end to help simplify the process of choices for the readers to buy or not to buy. You are reinforcing features stated in your article and many readers will remember only two things in this whole process which is the title of your article and the conclusion area of your writing.

In Conclusion: Write a captivating title using two or three keyword specific title for each article relative to the content you’ve written about in your content area. Use keywords and phrases in the content area with a reasonable percentage of keywords to total words ratio used in the article. Make it easy for your reader to scan read making the purchasing process a more positive outcome. Do a summary, conclusion or overview of your article and ask for the order in some form of a bi-line section found at the bottom of the article.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to help you learn to write powerful copy for your website, blogs and articles. Call today for your free 30 minute “no obligation” consultation.

“Let’s Build Your Business Together”

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Author Bio: Larry L Miller – SEM/SEO Consultant who specializes in promoting clients to “Top Positions on Google” and other leading search engines. Mr. Miller is the promotions director for BLM Traders the leader in Automated Marketing Systems. Private Line: 321-594-4405, Skype: larrylmiller121

Category: Marketing
Keywords: BLM Traders, Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting, Article Marketing, Article Directories

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