Your Guide to Punk Fashion

Punk fashion, like many other fashions, is closely connected with a particular type of music. When punk fashion first arrived on the scene, it was in order to show defiance to the heavily made up look that existed in mainstream music. The music scene in the 70’s was distinguished by heavy makeup and elaborate clothes, with equally difficult to manage hair styles. The original punk rockers all wore torn clothes and hair worn purposefully unkempt and short.

Today, punk fashion has changed a lot from when it first started, but it still remains easily identifiable. There is a very active punk community, and they form a subgroup all of their own. They have their own music in addition to style of dressing. Punks also wear very distinctive hairstyles and make up. They can sometimes be confessed with Goth or Emo, but this is because the very nature of this subculture is to not conform to rules of society.

In the very beginning, punks used to wear jeans and T-shirts that were torn on purpose and which had offensive images and statements on them. These were a very startling departure from the expensive clothes that mainstream people used to buy in order to go to a disco or musical event. The torn jeans or net leggings that punks wore were a deliberate statement against the materialism of the age. Even the heavy shoes they wore set them apart from other people.

However, over time, even punk became fashionable and lots of fashion labels jumped onto the bandwagon, producing expensive clothes that were inspired by this style. Many hard core punks consider this to be selling out, since the original punk fashions were all hand made out of existing clothes. Irrespective of what they think, punk fashions are now easily available in many stores, including music stores.

If you wish to dress like a punk, remember that there are different types these days, each of which is affiliated to a particular type of music. Certain common features that exist are tight jeans, preferably black in color, and t-shirts with some anarchistic message. The material most commonly used for trousers and jackets is leather and denim. There is liberal use of spikes and studs on trousers and jackets, and in many cases on wristbands and belts as well. Punks always keep their hair short, sometimes styling them into spikes. Hair is often colored, and the favorite colors used are bright ones such as red, pink, orange, green or blue.

Another distinguishing feature of punk style is makeup. Both males and females wear punk makeup, and this mostly consists of very dark eyeliner. They also have a fondness for tattoos and body piercings. It is very common for punk women to wear their hair very straight if they keep it long.

When punk fashion first appeared on the music scene in the 70’s, no one expected it to last for very long. The fact that it has managed to stay relevant for so long testifies to its ensuring appeal.

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Category: Advice
Keywords: punk, punk fashion, punk style, punk makeup, punk rockers

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