5 Things That Prevent People From Finding Love

You may have a friend or two who are single right now. While we know the situation that they have gone through or are going through, sometimes a little nudge from us still doesn’t seem enough to get them on their feet to find love.

Here are the some of the common reasons why some people can’t seem to find the love of their life. Whether they are consciously aware of it or not, you might know a friend who may have some of the following symptoms:

1. Work – With work hours becoming longer and managers becoming more demanding, a lot of people are spending late hours at the office or bringing home their work with them. Some people even enjoy the challenges of work and will opt to stay later for their own career advancement and enjoyment of work.

However, with the high demands of the work that they need to accomplish, people are finding less time to go out and socialize. Or if they were in relationships, not having time for their significant other proves to be detrimental to their relationship, thus, some relationships break down because there is just not enough ‘quality time’ that couples share together.

2. Living in a small town – In a small town, mingling with people of their certain age bracket may be difficult. They say that proximity is important in finding and meeting new people, and if the people in the area are limited, chances will be slim as well. Fact is, if you live in a town with limited population, then you have less people to meet.

3. Not trying new things – As it has been said, if you go to office and head straight home, there is a minimal chance that somebody will just pop out of your car window or your fridge. One must truly go out and socialize. And if there are hobbies and activities that interest them, they should try it out in order to meet available people with the same interests.

4. Family – Family must indeed truly come first; but if at times that the financial and time demands in taking care of the responsibilities are home becomes too large, it then takes the whole time of the person, not to mention work as well.

5. Religion – Demands at church or at a certain congregation may limit a person’s time in finding and meeting other people. While it may help that some do find their love interest at church, others who fall for someone belonging to another religion or sect may no longer pursue not continue a relationship with him or her because of their differences in religion.

Generally, giving someone your time and attention means giving that person your love. So if you are really interested in finding that love that you would hold on and cherish the rest of your life, do find time to find that person. Better yet, start becoming that person worthy of love and soon enough, you need not find him or her, but because of whom you’ve become – love will find you.

Author Bio: Criss White is a professional article writer for bridal, wedding, and various other topics. For more information and articles or to browse through some love wedding favors and other wedding favors, visit Bridal and Wedding Favors. Note: This article may be reprinted in your ezine, blog, or website as long as the credits remain intact and hyperlinks remain active.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: love, long-term relationship, meet people, relationships, couples

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