5 Things You Should Do When Your Customer Buys

You SAY you want more business and the money that comes thereby. But unless you do these 5 things, you’re just whistling “Dixie”.

1) Smile & Say Thank You

Do a little survey. For the next few days, take a look at how you’re treated in the various stores you patronize.

When you buy do you get a radiant smile from the check-out clerk and a warm thank-you? Or is the action meagre and perfunctory; or even absent altogether?

The warmth of the thank you, the brilliance of the smile are indicators of just how much you value this customer and desire his business.

P.S. Whenever possible, use the customer’s name. “Thanks so much for your business, Mrs. Smythe. We do it appreciate it you know!”

And be SURE to make eye contact. This is essential.

2) Hand the customer a bonus coupon.

ALL businesses live or die by repeat customer business. That’s why you need to give each customer a bonus coupon,

First, make the bonus a valuable one, nothing cheap and insubstantial for your vital customers, please.

Second, make sure the bonus coupon has an expiration date. Remember, offers work because they are meaningful in value… and because they expire.

Third, hand this valuable gift to the customer and deliver with a smile!

3) Offer to carry the customer’s purchase to her car.

Want to make an especially good impression… the kind the customer will convey to her social circle?

Then carry her purchase to her car!

This courtesy may not always be possible; you may be the only one in the store, for instance. Very well. But don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. If you cannot always offer this special courtesy, do not for that reason never offer it.

And, remember, in offering this special benefit, don’t stint on the accompanying smile… or customer’s name.

4) E-mail the customer a thank you and bonus offer.

What should be awaiting your valuable customer when he gets home? A terrific bonus offer e-mailed at once!

Speed here is everything. That offer should be e-mailed right away. The speed with which you send this bonus offer will be a clear indication to the customer of how much you value her business.

You’re able to achieve this result if and only if you have created one or (even better) more offers before you need them!

It goes without saying that you must have the customer’s e-mail address. You do request it from every customer, don’t you? Semper paratus is not just a motto for Boy Scouts.

5) If your product runs out, make sure to e-mail the customer when you’ve estimated he will need more. THAT is your moment to appear supremely customer-centered… and put more money in your pocket, too.

Say the average customer uses up this product in 60 days.

E-mail a bonus offer 30 days before renewal is necessary… then 15 days… and 7 days. Make SURE you include a special offer with every e-mail and make sure this offer has a clear expiration date: like 5 days from e-mailing.

Last Words

As every smart business person knows, your success (and comfort) derive mainly from one source: your customers. Right now you SAY this… but you may not run your business properly to derive maximum profit from customers. This article should help. Read it! Print it! Live it! You will start seeing the pay-off at once!

Author Bio: Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., http://www.worldprofit.com where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant’s live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! For details on Dr. Lant’s 18 best

Category: Business Management
Keywords: traffic,money,promotion,visitors

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