50 Important Tips For A Successful Interview

1. Get exact directions to the interview site at least one day ahead of time.

2. Be there 15 minutes early.

3. Be courteous to the staff…especially the secretary. An employer is always influenced by opinions of other employees.

4. Offer the resume to the person in a new file folder.

5. When requested, provide a typed list of names, addresses, phone numbers, and letters of personal and professional references.

6. Shake hands firmly and look the person in the interviewer eyes. Maintain good eye contact during the interview.

7. Maintain high energy level.

8. Sit up.

9. Back straight.

10. No coffee, (to spill).

11. No smoking.

12. Switch your cell phone off.

13. Listen! Give the person the opportunity to talk. Do not touch anything on the interviewer’s desk. Do not fidget with anything you have, such as a pen, tie, etc.

14. Relax and be confident (do deep breathing to relax).

15. Be enthusiastic-use your eyes, hands, and voice inflection to show support.

16. Ask relevant questions when asked to do so.

17. Answer all the questions and be confident throughout.

18. Don’t talk more than needed and don’t tell the interviewer all that he/she doesn’t want to know.

19. Listen to whatever the interviewer says carefully.

20. Don’t let out any secrets from your previous job.

21. Don’t talk about salary unless the interviewer asks you himself.

22. Negotiate salary from strength.

23. Don’t cross-examine the employer.

24. Don’t interrupt when the interviewer is answering your question.

25. Answer the questions in terms of the qualifications required of the job being filled and your business background.

26. Don’t go on telling about your experiences that do not relate to the job.

27. Keep responses concise and brief.

28. Avoid being derogatory and/or negative when asked about previous jobs and bosses.

29. Support your claims by sharing experiences.

30. Answer personality questions in terms of ACCURATE ANSWERS supported by past experience.

31. Prior to the interview, write your list of Interest Questions and take them with you.

32. Ask about your potential peers, subordinates, and superiors. Take notes.

33. Ask the employer how he/she got where they are today.

34. Do ask about long-range career opportunities.

35. Ask what the employer wants in a candidate, what experience, educational background, and performance.

36. Always ask what personality characteristics the employer desires.

37. Assume that you are the right person for the position.

38. Summarize all points of agreement.

39. Tell the person you want the opportunity and you are sure you could work well with him personally from your initial meeting.

40. Close after summary. Tell the person you are ready to pursue the next step and ask for a day’s notice that you might coordinate your schedule.

41. Thank the person for the time.

42. Shake his hand firmly, and look the person in the eyes.

43. Tell the interviewer you look forward to the next interview.

44. Say good-bye to the secretary.

45. Send a handwritten letter, fax, telegram, or e-mail thanking the interviewer for the opportunity of interviewing with the company and 3 or 4 good reasons to consider you. If this doesn’t go out the day of the interview or the next day it won’t be worth the paper it’s written on.

46. If you do not have an answering service or recording device, buy one, or as an alternative, use the number of a friend who has one.

47. Make an inventory of what you did and how well you did it.

48. Research prospective employer, the nature of the business, its products and people.

49. Attire should be conservative and business-like, giving the impression of success and competence.

50. Look forward for the next interview, and wait for a positive reply from the other end.

Author Bio: Courtesy Of: Get Resume Writing services from Resume Docket to secure your dream job.

Category: Career
Keywords: resume writing services, resume, resume writing

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