A 5-Step Program to Quit Smoking Permanently

To refrain from smoking for a day or a week is just one thing – to quit smoking altogether is another. Here is a 5-step program to help you in all the phases of your endeavor to kick the habit.

Step 1: Cultivate the mindset to quit.

The decision to quit is not an easy one to make. There are a lot of hurdles you have to overcome, and to stop smoking entails letting go of a habit that has become an indispensable part of your daily routine. As such, the first step to quitting is to embed the idea that you are going to quit no matter what. Of course, cultivating a steadfast resolution to eliminate the habit from your life is not easy without the right motivation. Do some research on the devastating effects of smoking not only to you but also to the people around you – surely after knowing them, you will be more determined than ever to lead a healthier lifestyle by cutting off smoking from your life permanently.

Step 2: Choose a date and stick to it.

For you to really be able to quit smoking, choose a date that is neither near nor far from the time you make the choice to eliminate the habit, and stick to it. To ensure that you do not falter from your determination to stop smoking, tell your friends and family members about your plan. Also, mark the date on your calendar and do a countdown, so you can prepare yourself for the day when you stop smoking cigarettes altogether.

Step 3: Pick the right plan or method of treatment for you.

There are quite a number of treatment methods and plans that are available for you to consider. Choose one that will not have any negative effects on your health, especially if you have a health condition. Also, take into consideration your lifestyle – select a method that you can easily fit into your daily activities.

Step 4: Prepare for your big day.

Before the date you marked on your calendar, prepare yourself physically and mentally for what you are going to go through. Do not expect the journey to be easy. Also, incorporate physically-draining activities into your lifestyle so that you won’t have any idle time. Make sure, too, that you have all the necessary medications and nicotine substitutes at hand.

Step 5: Remain determined to be “clean”.

Most people fall into a relapse because they forget their reasons for quitting in the first place, and they become lax when it comes to taking the necessary precautions to overcome the urge to smoke. For you to be able to stay “clean”, always keep a mental checklist of why you quit smoking. Also, continue doing the activities and keep in mind the measures you took when you were preparing for your “big day”.

How to Quit Smoking without Aids and Devices

Any smoker will tell you that it is not easy to quit smoking. On a psychological level, what makes it difficult to give up the habit is the fact that for most people, smoking is a fool-proof method to calm the nerves and is thus almost akin to a relaxation therapy. On a biological level, the difficulty stems from the fact that nicotine – the main ingredient in most cigarettes – is addictive.

There are a number of techniques that can help smokers kick the habit. However, the effectiveness of a given method varies depending on the person who will use it. Given this, if you are a smoker who is on the lookout for a product or a technique that can help you quit smoking, you might want to consider a method that does not make use of aids and devices first. This is because as implied in a preceding statement, it does not mean that what worked for someone you know will work for you.

The first step for you to be able to overcome your vice is to decide to quit. Do this by thinking of probable reasons for quitting. If you have children, research on the effects of second-hand smoke. Better yet, look into the effects of smoking to addicted individuals. You’d be surprised at how the information you obtain can help you become resolute in your goal to stop smoking.

The second step is to pick a date that you will designate as your “Quit Day”. Do not choose a date that is too near the time that you have decided to quit, since you might still be ill-prepared. However, it is also not wise to choose a date that’s too far off, since you might have lost your determination come that day. Pick a date that is approximately a week after you have made the decision to quit, and take note of it by encircling the day on a calendar. To make sure that you are not going to back out of your plan, inform the people closest to you – like your friends and your family – of your decision to stop smoking.

The third step is to prepare. During the week before your Quit Day, purchase nicotine substitutes such as specialty gums to help you ease into your new lifestyle. Start being active, too – make sure that you don’t have any idle time that can lead to a relapse. Increase your intake of fluids, and avoid undue stress as much as possible. Also, prepare yourself mentally. As mentioned, it is hard to quit smoking. Be ready for it, and you’ll see that kicking the habit will be easier.

Author Bio: We manage a website about Quit Smoking

Category: Self Help
Keywords: smoking, stop smoking, quit smoking

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