A Quick Wedding Insurance Gambling Game For You to Try

Pick a date, any date. Forget about your worries concerning wedding insurance policies, and have a little fun for a few minutes. So go on then, pick any date you like up to a year or two in the future. Got that?

Right, what I want you to do now is to choose heads or tails. Why? Let me explain what I’m going to do. Once you’ve chosen heads or tails I’m going to toss a coin. If you guess correctly whether the coin will land heads or tails up then you won’t win anything. A good prize isn’t it?

Of course if you guess incorrectly then it will cost you, let’s say £20,000. Now does that sound like a fair bet to you? All right, let’s go a stage further and assume that you don’t even have a choice whether or not you take the bet. You have to call heads or tails, there’s simply no other option and you can’t wriggle out of it. What would you go for? Heads? Or tails?

Imagine if you really stood to lose £20,000 if you guess incorrectly. Now here’s the deal. If you pay me £20 then if you guess incorrectly you get to keep your £20,000. So your choice is simple: you either risk £20,000 on a heads or tails gamble, or spend £20 and risk nothing at all. If casinos offered that kind of deal then they’d much safer places.

Let’s imagine that it’s not just £20,000 – you risk to lose a very great deal more, such as the most important day of your life, or at least one of them!

You can probably see where I’m going with this, and what it all has to do with wedding insurance. The truth is that in the UK the average wedding costs a little over £20,000. According to the wedding insurance companies roughly half of the weddings in the UK last year needed to call upon the services of their insurance company for at least partial reimbursement, so my suggestion of choosing heads or tails, offering a 50% chance of losing your money, is very close to the reality of having a wedding today.

Of course you may not lose the entire £20,000, because whatever problem you face may not be severe enough need to have to cancel or postpone the wedding. But even if something relatively minor happens such as the wedding rings being stolen or lost, then you’re still facing the prospect of risking several hundred pounds when, for the sake of £20 or so, you don’t risk a penny (other than perhaps the insurance excess).

More serious problems such as the wedding photographer failing to turn up, failing to take photographs of any real quality, or accidentally deleting the folder containing all your wedding photographs will mean the expensive restaging of your wedding photographs, and could run into several thousand pounds.

Wedding insurance packages really do start from under £20, although of course the more expensive your wedding the higher the price of the policy you’ll need. But it really doesn’t make sense to risk your wedding day for the sake of a price of a meal for two at a pub.

Author Bio: Compare many of the UK’s leading wedding insurance providers with our simple wedding insurance comparison table. Whether you’re looking for wedding insurance abroad or for weddings in the UK, our comparison table is a good place to start.

Category: Marriage
Keywords: wedding insurance

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