A Touch of Greatness – Book Review

You want to be wealthy and successful. You desire to be a better person everyday and are always looking for ways to achieve this. What if I tell you that there is a person who has trained thousands of people through the decades and is available right now to train you to achieve all that you want.

The man is Frank Tibolt. Born in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania in 1897. He moved to Philadelphia after college and managed several business which includes the famous Linton’s chain of family restaurant in which during this time that he developed his passion for studying the method used by successful people. This passion was also behind his decision to create self-help seminars and courses.

Author of several books, in 1981 at the ripe old age of 84, Frank Tibolt published a book, A Touch of Greatness, that many had termed as the best self help book that was ever written.

A Touch of Greatness contains all the lessons that had worked during Frank’s long and successful career. You will find in its pages the condensed wisdom of its ages.

A Touch of Greatness is divided into 12 chapters and each chapter contains one lesson. Starting from chapter 1, you will find simple sensible tips on how to improve yourself.

In chapter one itself you will discover a simple technique that beats all the time management tool that works the best. You don’t have spend thousands of dollars attending a 3 days course to use put this technique into use.

Do you want to know one simple way to stimulate your mind? No fancy tricks. You will find it in chapter two of the book.

In chapter 3 of A Touch of Greatness, you will discover one thing that you can do to make your goal more realistic.

There is a lesson in chapter nine on how to start and hold a conversation with anyone. Based on the 9 letters from the word WONDERFUL, Tibolt goes on to explain on how to use this technique to help you to be able to talk to anyone. Again no fancy tricks, just plain common sense.

If you want to know how to make the right decision and to think more clearly, than chapter 10 of A Touch of Greatness is a great help. More than revealing simple ways to better decision making, it also shows how to generate ideas.

In A Touch of Greatness, Frank Tibolt writes “How can we wake up more of our mind power? By waking up more of our 12 billion brain cells most of which are idle, asleep. Some wake up by themselves. But the surest, most powerful technique is to set goals and to work towards them. After you’ve chosen your goal, whether long range, or short range, whether a job goal or some other, you now have the task of realizing it. When your car needs a major repair, your mechanic selects the best tools. And when you want to realize a goal, you also need the best, quickest and surest tools. And what are they? Without the slightest question of a doubt, they are..”

A Touch of Greatness is written in simple, easy to understand language. It is a gem of a book and if you decide that you only going to read one self help book in your entire life, this the one you must get.

Author Bio: Get to know more about A Touch of Greatness at A Touch of Greatness

Category: Advice
Keywords: touch,greatness, frank,tibolt

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