Abstract Painting- Not Necessarily a Talent

It is every single persons dream to be talented at one or the other thing. More over people nowadays are interested in painting, but find it very disturbing because they feel they cannot paint or draw as others do. In addition, for such people abstract painting is the best method to improve your artistic skills. Abstract painting is not only easy but fun to do as well.

There are a few basic steps; a person should follow to create an abstract painting. The first and the most important step involved is buying pre-pined 18 by 24 inches white canvas. This is an ideal start for painting. The next item involved is the acrylic latex artists paint. It is enough to buy four tubes of basic liquitex or something similar. This costs about 5 dollars and the white canvas cost about 10 dollars.

We should also see that the colours used must be interesting and colorful. The use of colours like white, black, grey and so on must be reduced, as this causes dullness to the painting. We should also keep p the colour of the room where the painting is to be hung in mind. The most important thing to be noticed is that we do not even require a brush for painting.

The next step is the most fun filled step, because we have to spread different colours across the canvas using our hands. While doing this we have to be quick. In addition, it need not be that the entire canvas should be covered. We have to spread the colour rapidly covering at least three fourth of the entire canvas. We have to first keep our required colours in different bowls and dip our fingers into each and spread them across rapidly and quickly.

Now dip your fingers into the third bowl and spread it sideways on top of the other two previous colours. The main thing to be noted in this type of art is its messiness. The messier it is, the more attractive the art becomes. The last step is the pouring or the dripping step. In this step, we have to go back to the first colour and add some more water to it so that it becomes drippy. Now, keeping the bowl on the top, pour the colour drop wise so that it spreads when it is dropped. In this manner, we can create a very attractive art of abstract painting.

Incase we are not happy with what we have done we can always do it again. This can be achieved by painting white colour on top of our pre-done painting. In this way, we can save a lot of money. Another of an important tip is to make the paint ebb and flow, because this gives an impact on your painting making it attractive.

During holidays, most of the children are at a loss to understand how to pass time and for such people abstract painting is the best option. This is not a time pass alone; it also induces creativity, which will help a child grow up faster.

Author Bio: I am basically a graduate at the University of Hamburg and you can get awesome articles and valid information from the ones which I submit specially for you to take a look at. Check out Abstract Images, Abstract Graphics or Abstract Pictures.

Category: Arts and Crafts
Keywords: : Abstract painting, Methods involved in abstract painting, Steps in abstract painting

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