Alabama Land For Sale-How to Sell Your Own Property

If you have Alabama land for sale let me share a few techniques that will help you if you are dead set on selling your land yourself. All for sale by owners need to know where to advertise but much more than advertising what to do once you find a buyer.

I have sold literally hundreds of tracts of land in my two decades of buying and selling land and I will assure you getting a contract and deposit from a potential buyer is only the beginning. I can hear many of you reading this going what, a buyer is all you need, if only that were true and this is where a licensed Realtor earns their money. When you get a contract on your Alabama land for sale that is a very important part of the process but only a part of it, what about financing, contract terms, closing time frame, minerals, and this is just a short list of all the things you must take into account in a real estate closing.

In the process of selling your Alabama land start by advertising your property, do very little in the news paper and here is why, this past years statistics shows over 90% of real estate buyers started their search on the internet, it is much less expensive and gets out to a much broader audience. Now that you have your property advertised we are assuming you have the land ready to show and by this I mean able to show and walk your clients around the boundary lines, have deer plots ready if it’s a hunting property, have a current survey and any other special details that could come up try and cover them before your buyer asks about them.

Where and how is your buyer getting his financing? If you have a buyer and he can’t get the money to buy your Alabama land for sale you have nothing and this is also a part of the process that could cost you a lot of lost time. If a buyer signs a contract with you typically you will need to give him at least 30 days for the final closing and in some cases even a little more. This is where the trouble could come in, if the end of the contract is coming up and your buyer is having a hard time getting the balance of his money he is not doing you any good as a buyer. It is your job as the seller to stay on top of the process front to back to make sure your deal closes, call the lender check on the status of the loan process, stay on the closing attorney make sure the title work is done, nothing can happen without this, and stay on the appraiser make sure the values come in at the contract price or you may be doing some last minute negotiations and dropping your sales price to make the deal work.

I have gone over just a few closing terms and conditions that you will have to contend with if have Alabama land for sale and want to close the deal. Take each of these points break them down make sure your ready on each point or you could look up and not have a deal at all.

Author Bio: In 2000 Chuck and his wife Lindey developed a website called The website was launched for uniting the real estate market in Land For Sale In Mississippi. In 2009 more sites were launched as sister sites for other states like Land For Sale In Louisiana and Land For Sale In Alabama.

Category: Real Estate
Keywords: Alabama, commercial, property, sale, finance, lease, agreement, owner, land,

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