Alternatives to College After High School

It’s true that traditionally most students go to college immediately after graduation from high school. However, for some students it’s not a bad idea to take a break between high school and college. It can help alleviate feelings of educational burnout and provide students with great life experiences. If you’re considering postponing your college education, here are some alternatives to explore:

Get to Work

Getting a full-time job can be challenging and rewarding. It helps young adults transition into adulthood and teaches them valuable life skills such as budgeting, developing a solid work ethic, and planning for the future. In order to find stability, it might be best for students to begin working for a larger company where pay and benefits are likely to be consistent. Many find that they can establish a solid career before college, and some workplaces even offer college tuition assistance or reimbursement if you decide to go to college later.

Become a Volunteer

As a volunteer you can really make a difference. Whether you volunteer locally or you decide to go abroad, volunteer experience is great for the resume and for helping people develop their interests and discover their strengths and weaknesses. At the end of your volunteer service you can apply to college or use your knowledge and new-found skills to find a job that matches your interests and abilities.

Join the Military

No one can deny it: joining the military can be risky, but it is also a great way to learn self-discipline and to learn more about yourself. You can serve your country, earn money towards college, and rack up a few years of extremely valuable work experience. The martial arts self defense and combat self defense skills taught in basic training can help young adults develop self-esteem and get in peak physical condition.


For many high school graduates the year after high school is a chance to travel and explore other parts of the world. Traveling to foreign countries will give you valuable experience in languages and cultures that you can’t get in the classroom. As you learn more about yourself, you may discover that you want to study abroad, or relocate to a different country. Traveling can also prepare you for life on a college campus as you learn to adjust to new and unfamiliar situations. Traveling can be an expensive alternative. You may find it necessary to work for a year or two first. Another way to make traveling affordable is to try to gain employment in a foreign country or to become part of an exchange program.

In the end, you may decide that college isn’t meant for you after all. But if you do decide to go to college after taking a break for a year or two, you will find that college is there waiting for you. As more young adults decide to explore their options, colleges are seeing a rise in the number of non-traditional students admitted each year.

Author Bio: For more information about martial arts self defense, please check out Self Defense.

Category: Society
Keywords: arts self defense, Self Defense

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