Analysis Of The First Four Commandments As Stated In The Bible

God created the universe, the soil, the sea and the animals and plants, and then He created Man and rested on the seventh day. For a while everything went well and God liked what He saw. Then something happened and Man had to leave God’s kingdom, settle towards the east, where Man would live and survive on his own. But God continued to watch over his most prized creation. And many years later, God gave Man, through a devout follower named Moses, the gift of the Ten Commandments.

The Ten Commandments are a set of laws God intended for Man to follow so he wouldn’t stray too far away from the path God had laid out for him. Anybody who’s ever read the Bible are familiar with the Ten Commandments. Let’s take a closer look the first four of these God’s wishes.

“Thou Shalt Not Have Strange Gods Before Me.”
The first commandment about the love of God. Reading this line just one should give you an idea how many times God’s very first commandment has been violated by Man again and again. Many people worship foreign or strange gods. Some worship nature or animals. Some people worship material and earthly things. Some people even worship demons. Why anybody would worship a demon is beyond me.

We should love one God, and that is the One who gave us this commandment.

“Thou Shalt Not Take The Name Of The Lord Thy God In Vain.”
Another commandment grounded in the love of God. God created all good things including Man. Do you show Him your gratitude by insulting his name, or using His name in vain?

A lot of people have the habit of swearing by God, that God is their witness. As a Christian you should take time to think about its implications – you’re saying that God is ignorant of the truth. Many people don’t realize this when they swear by God’s name.

“Remember To Keep The Holy Sabbath Day.”
God created all things in six days, and rested on the seventh day. He created Man last, and so Man became part of the universe on the Sabbath day, hence the Holy Sabbath day. God wishes for us to commemorate this day in the centuries to come and so He made it his third commandment. Do you “keep” the Holy Sabbath day? How?

“Honor Thy Father And Mother.”
The first commandment about the love of neighbors. Our parents put as in this God just as God did for Man or else nobody would be on this Earth. And so God asks us to honor our fathers and mothers who loves us the way God loves all His children.

You should look at the Bible for more guidance and advice regarding the other six commandments. Remember the only true path back to God’s kingdom is the path laid out by following the Ten Commandments that lead to the gates of heaven.

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Category: Religion
Keywords: bible, ten commandments

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