Are Energy Efficient Appliance Worth the Extra Money?

Energy efficiency is a worldwide movement joined by millions of people and hundreds of corporations that basically means reducing the amount of energy that is being used to power the world.

All appliances that are used either in the home or in the business place now have to be plugged in for it to work. This basically means that the majority of the world is virtually plugged in to an energy source at all times of the day. Energy-efficient appliances have become very popular amongst manufacturers, with each one competeing to build appliances that are the most energy efficient.

In the past, it was all about “more power” and the appliances that had the most power ruled the market. Today, minimalism is en vogue and it is the that can save the most energy that are top sellers.

Programs such as Energy Star ( have helped make many people familiar with the idea of buying appliances that use power judiciously. The federal program offers rebates and free disposal options to consumers who purchase approved appliances. The most popular rebates – ie: the rebates that offer the most money – are for large appliances such as those found in the kitchen.

However energy-efficient appliances are not just limited to refrigerators, stoves, microwaves, and the like. Other forms of electronics and even small appliances are also being designed to be highly energy efficient to make sure that the entire household is doing its best to save energy. A long list of television models have been made with energy efficient lighting and LED screens to make sure that even though your TV is on all day, it will only use a small percentage of the power that it originally used while maintaining the same quality of pictures, or maybe even better.

Consumers shopping for energy-efficient appliances may find that there is a premium price tag attached to many of these electronics. However, in the long run, these devices are less expensive because you can save so much money on your utility bills. Here are a few examples of energy-efficient appliances that are worth spending the extra money for:

Universal Power Strip – Keeping an appliance plugged in can waste a lot of energy, but having to keep plugging and then unplugging it again can also become a hassle. Power strips are energy-efficient appliances that you put onto your plugs. It has an on and off button so that you can turn off the power strip when the appliance is not being used.

Efficient Showerheads – This may seem out of place, but making sure that your showerheads are running efficiently will not only help you use less water it also saves energy because it takes less electricity to heat the water for each shower.

Air Conditioners with Evaporative Technology – This kind of technology is being used in the newest breed of energy-efficient air conditioners. Basically, these machines can increase efficiency by reducing the need to drain condensation. In addition, this type of air conditioner has no drips because it makes better use of the vapor that is found in the air.

These are just some energy-efficient appliances that you should check out. If you wish to make sure that your appliances are energy efficient, simply look for their Energy Star rating to ensure authenticity.

Author Bio: You can learn more great tips for buying energy efficient appliances as well as how to save money by using energy efficient light bulbs at

Category: Home Management
Keywords: energy efficient appliances,save electricity,save money utility bills,save energy

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