August International Economic Review Event

Cabinet Office released preliminary data show that removal of price changes and to a seasonally adjusted basis, second quarter gross domestic product rose 0.1% Central, 0.4% annual rate of growth. This is to keep Japan’s economy for three consecutive quarters of positive growth, but growth and a significant slowdown compared to the previous two quarters.

Eurostat released revised data showed the euro zone in July an annual rate of inflation in line with the previous preliminary forecast for 1.7%, higher than in June rose 0.3 percent, the highest high of more than two years.

According to the Russian Federation, National Bureau of Statistics figures released in July this year, Russia’s industrial production up 5.9% over last year. In May with 12.7% and 9.7% in June compared to July’s growth rate significantly dropped.

Obama said the United States, the government aims to encourage the development of clean energy industry measures to help promote employment, these measures not only in the short term Chuangzao employment, but also for the economic growth. Obama said, to encourage the development of clean energy initiatives through 2012 will create over 800,000 jobs.

U.S. Labor Department data showed U.S. wholesale prices in July rose 0.2% over the previous month, the first increase after declining for three consecutive months, the market eased to some extent on the U.S. economy may fall into deflation concerns.

U.S. Commerce Department report showed U.S. housing starts in July grew 1.7%, but new home building permits issued decreased 3.1%, fell to its lowest level in 14 months, indicating the U.S. real estate market has not bottomed out.

U.S. Federal Reserve report showed, led by strong growth in manufacturing output, the U.S. industrial production in July increased by 1.0%.

Released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development data show, members of the Organization as a whole, real GDP growth in the second quarter of 0.7% qoq increase in the first quarter. Among them, Germany’s economic growth rate of the chain since 1990, a new record high of 2.2%, UK 1.1% economic growth in the chain, slightly worse performance in other developed countries.

“Vietnam – Africa Enterprise Cooperation Forum” held in the Vietnamese capital Hanoi. The meeting stressed the need to further strengthen Vietnam and African countries, economic cooperation and trade enterprises to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides build a good platform. In recent years, Vietnam and African countries, mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields growing. It is estimated that trade volume between Vietnam and Africa will reach 2.8 billion U.S. dollars this year, 6 times more than in 2003.

Asian Development Bank released a report that the recovery of Asian economies extraordinary ability. Even if the impact of the financial crisis, Asian economies have also received moderate development. The report shows that China, India and Japan, the total economic volume accounted for 70% of the Asian economy.

German Central Bank – Federal Bank said the monthly report, due to rapid economic recovery in the second quarter, Germany’s economic growth this year expected to reach 3.0%.

U.S. Congressional Budget Office released updated budget and economic outlook report, projected U.S. economic growth in fiscal year 2010 was 2.8% in fiscal year 2011, growth fell to 2.0%.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced the French economic growth next year will reach 2%, 2.5% lower than originally expected, but this year will reach or exceed the original target of 1.4%.

Swedish government announced that Sweden’s economic growth this year expected to reach 4.5%, higher than previously expected next year is expected to grow 4 percent of its economy.

Argentina’s National Bureau of Statistics reported that the first half of the country’s economic growth rate reached 9%, showing a strong recovery.

International Monetary Fund announced next week in Washington with Pakistani government officials met to discuss the large floods on the economy of Pakistan and the Organization may take the assistance program.

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