Battery Bikes – Cut Short Distance Travel By Car, Cut Emissions, Save Money!

Battery Bikes – The joy of two-wheels without the strain

The feeling of liberation, of freedom and abandon. As a child, nothing compares to the sense of independence that riding a bike enables and yet, as adults, we seem to grow apart from our trusty childhood friend as other, more expensive forms of transport come into our lives. After walking and talking, learning to ride a bike ranks up there as being one of any child’s greatest achievements and helps lay the foundations for a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise and yet, once adult, many of us shun the humble bicycle and the benefits it provides, seemingly content to battle our way to work stuck in never-ending queues of traffic, sucking in exhaust fumes and consigning ourselves to an unhealthy, inactive lifestyle, undoing all of that good foundation work.

The trouble is that the car is too convenient. It takes no effort and its progress is acceptably swift for most, despite the rush hour traffic. For sure, it has expanded our horizons and made long distance independent travel possible but for many of us and for many occasions its use as the primary form of transport is nothing more than habitual.

Short Distance Travel – Cut Your Emissions

Statistics suggest that up to a staggering 80% of all car journeys made are less than six miles and that almost a third of all journeys are of approximately only one mile! It’s also estimated that 75% of a car’s harmful exhaust emissions during a typical six mile trip are made during this first mile. It’s well known that a car is most inefficient when cold and during such short journeys, the catalytic elements within the exhaust system do not operate fully and so not only are such journeys most damaging to both our cars and our planet, they’re also not doing much to help our personal financial situation as fuel costs continue to spiral.

Battery Bike – Who’s it for?

The beauty of a battery bike is that the assistance it gives will compensate for our natural fitness deficiencies at the time when we need the help most – right at the commencement of any regular routine. Because the effort required to pedal is reduced, it arguably places less load on our joints and cardio-vascular system and so it can make the return to regular exercise less stressful for our bodies.

Unsurprisingly, a large proportion of battery bike sales are to the “Golden Oldie” or “Silver Surfer” generation of upwardly mobile early retirees who are busy enjoying their selves by travelling and visiting many places with their Motorhomes and Caravans. The appeal of the battery powered electric bicycle is natural in that it provides instant and easy local transport without having to take their motor caravan off-site and into local towns / attractions. The concept also appeals to the commuter who is looking for a quick and reliable transport method to get into and around towns and cities and for anyone who is looking to kick-start their fitness regime either after illness, injury or inactivity.

Battery Bike – All Round Benefits

The benefits of an electric bike are many fold, an improvement in general health and fitness for the rider and an enjoyment of short distance travel, no more traffic jam frustration. Saving money in the current economic climate is on everyone’s list and fewer emissions give a long term benefit for the planet and the future.

Author Bio: Sue Coulson is the test rider for Batribike. Sue writes a blog detailing her test riding experiences embellished with comments on the changing seasons in the British countryside. Sue is a keen supporter of cycling safely. Website: Blog:

Category: Automotive
Keywords: battery bike,battery bikes,e bike,electric bicycle,reduce emissions

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