Breaking Into the Business With Horror Movies

As odd as it always seems, most people just love to sit together in a darkened theater, or in a darkened living room, getting scared witless by watching horror movies. The psychology of this trait is still a bit confusing, so that does not have to be deal with in depth here. But people sure do like scary movies, do they not?

Maybe it is the adrenaline rush when the scary monster jumps onto the screen. Maybe it is the fact that folks can allow themselves to get frightened knowing all along that it is all make believe. Certainly it is the opportunity for a date to get closer together and maybe squeeze hands. Yeah, scary movies are fun indeed.

So when one is watching those things, does one ever wonder what kind of sick mind is putting them all together? Many do, and some to the point of fascination. There is a stereotypical type; they go to wacky conventions dressed up like ghouls and vampires on their time off. But those running those conventions know something that others do not.

They know that there is money to be made scaring the pants off of people. So do the directors and producers of such fare. So how could a person actually make a living doing the same thing themselves? To begin, they could try for a job on a set. The thing about many scary movies is that they are on such a low budget that they are an easy way to get an entry-level film gig.

This would include makeup people, as most of the really good ones use a truck load of make up. And all of that blood and gore has to be mixed up and smeared on to the characters by someone. Hey, someone has to do it, and they could earn a little bit of money doing it.

And writing a fright fest is possibly one of the easiest screenplays that can be done. When it comes right down to it, they are by and large formulaic, so a writer can copy the formula without plagiarizing another piece of work. And who knows? Some low budget independent horror films have gone on to be come huge franchises over time.

And as far as the acting goes, if an actor can scream really good, and if they are attractive enough, it should not be too hard to find a small role, in which the character gets killed off pretty early on in the film, and start building a resume reel thereby. Again, many of these types of films are very low budget, so the return in any work put into to them could be substantial.

So instead of paying the hard earned cash out of pocket to get scared by someone else, why not think about using some of that cash to do the scaring professionally? Many good, respectable careers have been started on the low budget B-film horror circuit. It is safe to say that others could, too, and could actually make a living with horror movies.

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Category: Entertainment
Keywords: horror movies, horror movie, film, family, entertainment, movies, society, relax, freight, business

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