Cash Gifting or Cash Leveraging – Is it a Business or a Scam?

Ever notice that while searching through the endless money making systems on the Internet, our minds tend to fog up and our decision-making processes become mush? Don’t feel too bad, that happened to me researching the vast array of information that I uncovered in an attempt to share them with you.

Now I truly know what most of you go through when looking for that special opportunity. I wouldn’t blame you if you gave up due to the tons of information that one is bombarded with, once one opens that door to Cash Gifting or Leveraging. I may be mistaken but this area seems very aggressive in its marketing.

During the last couple of days, I have found, without exaggeration, 22 cash gifting or leveraging programs with so much information that it would drive a sane person looney. My sincere advice, “Don’t try this at home”.

What fries ones brain, is the process of trying to find a viable solution to ones money problems and the enormity of the task. Every site that you open, you hope that this is the one. You can’t go on blind faith when it comes to putting money into somebody else’s pocket just because it sounds good. In most cases you are teased with promises of six and seven figure incomes. You are lead through multiple pages only to end up giving them your name, email, and telephone number to find out that you are sent to another site with another 18 pages of information and you are no closer to the prize than you were at the beginning. Man alive, is that frustrating or what? I can honestly tell you that its no wonder why we fall prey to scams or to second-rate illegal cash gifting programs that never last. I know now why people jump when they see the promise of being that person on the screen opening multiple FedEx envelopes and counting thousands of dollars without flinching. I would have done the dance of JOY.

This is how these programs grab your attention. They show you pictures of beautiful houses, fancy sports cars, great vacations and a truckloads of cash when you join their illegal program. Illegal because they are promoting something that is not suppose to be promoted for their benefit. They are promoting a cash-gifting program that has no legal product base as its structure. They fail to mention that programs like the Magnetic Cash Gifting System, The People’s Program, and Premier World Systems all have no product base and therefore are illegal. These programs bombard you with all this hype and illusion that you can’t see the forest from the trees.

Programs such as The Overnight Cash System, The Lawn Chair Millionaire and The Power of 4 System bombard you with page after page after page of babble without giving you one centimeter of valuable or insightful information on how the program works and how you can make money with their system. In reality they want to suck you into getting as much information from you as possible so they can continue to follow-up on their sales pitch.

I keep remembering an old saying that states, ” “Waste your money and you’re only out of money, but waste your time and you’ve lost a part of your life.” ~ Leboeuf, Michael

Don’t get me wrong, some of these program may have the right intentions but remember they are still illegal. Illegal not because they are doing an outright scam on the public but because they are not structured as a business with a proper product base and structure. Most are created just to take advantage of a hot trend in this hard pressed economy. They probably figure if I can make a couple of thousand bucks to fill my needs what do I care about the next Joe Blow that comes in.

I had a client call me full of frustration telling me that he almost became a serial gifter, going from small program to small program and not making one red cent because once they got his money there was no support, there was very little communications and in reality, his money was long gone. Thank God the amounts he entered with were not large amounts. I truly believe that this applies to the bigger programs also. Once they have your money all is soon forgotten and all the sponsor can think about is the Next Person who will come into his program.

Another downfall of these programs is the marketing, which is one of the essential parts of any business. Traffic is the name of the game. Without people looking at your website in mass numbers you haven’t a chance in hell of making any money at all. Some of these Cash gifting programs have good marketing systems in place but, guess what; they will cost you an arm and probably your two legs. If you speak to any of the above sponsors of the programs referenced above, they will nonchalantly state, “You gotta spend money to make money”. In reality, they are not far from the truth.

To review: If you don’t get caught up in hype and if you can make it past all the sizzle or the razzle dazzle, then maybe, just maybe, you will be able to see if the program is legal, offering you a good marketing plan with the understanding that YOU will be the first to get paid and not your sponsor. Not a 1-up or a 2-up or a 3-up system but a you get paid first system.

If you know what to look for, and if you know what would work for you, then you will be on your way to participating in a successful money making opportunity. Even with all of this, I would bet that you forgot about the one very important qualification that we have been speaking about all this time? Is this program legal? If it were legal, it would have a product base, and offer you the following:

Ludwig von Mises stated that: “Under Capitalism everybody provides for their own needs by serving others”.

1. Look for a cash gifting opportunity that has a history of performance. I would suggest a minimum of two years.

2. Make sure that the entity/Company has a mailing address. If you should ever need to get in contact with that company you know where to look. This is how to recognize fly by night companies.

3. Make sure that they have a full support system in place to answer any questions you may have and a good tracking system to keep track of all referrals under you so that you can track payments being made to you directly.

4. Make sure that they are a legal entity: which means that they have a product based structure that incorporates the best features of cash gifting. The product base is what makes a cash-gifting program a Legitimate Business. A Program that is gifting for the sake of making money, short term, for their benefit and promoted, as a business is ILLEGAL. What makes cash gifting a legitimate business is the promotion of a true and legitimate product base, which, in reality, is a true benefit because now you have a multiple income stream legitimate business.

5. Make sure that they have a good website with several capture pages and an auto responder to assist in the marketing of the business.

6. Make sure they have different levels or tiers of participation. (For example: $250, $500, $1000 and $2000 entry levels) This allows for a person to participate at an entry level and work their way up to the top tier.

7. Make sure that you are the first one to get paid. The reason I mention this is that in most programs, the sponsor, the introducer, the qualifier or someone else gets paid first before you even see a dime. This should be unacceptable to anybody thinking of taking part in these types of opportunities.

8. Cash Gifts to you should not only be in Federal Express envelopes or UPS envelopes but you should have the option of receiving cash by direct deposit transfers into your own bank account, Cashiers checks, Money orders, Paypal, Alertpay, Safepay or even Google credit cards payments. This gives the business a solid air of legitimacy not only to you but also your cash gifting business. Remember that if it’s a gift under the regulated amount it doesn’t matter how it comes in. Yes it’s nice to receive cash but cash can be received in many forms.

9. Make sure that your sponsor assists you in getting started and answering any questions you may have. This is not to say that you should hound your sponsor to death since this person also has a business to run.

10. Try to find a cash gifting opportunity where the company gets none or very little of the cash gifting profits. Profits are different from an Admission fee or Web site hosting fees.

11. Try to find a cash gifting opportunity that has a Residual income component. This makes the cash-gifting program profitable for the long term. This is why the longevity of a program is essential. The longer the cash gifting opportunity has been in business the more residual income the participants are and will be getting.

12. Make sure that the cash gifting opportunity has training for all its new participants. This is essential because the more you know about the business the better you can market it. Your mantra should be “KNOW YOUR BUSINESS”.

13. Make sure that there is NO Selling involved in the marketing of this activity.

14. Make sure that the cash gifting opportunity has a complete list of marketing lead generating sites for you to showcase your new opportunity and it should be a combination of free advertising sties and pay sites. Free sites can be profitable but pay sites sometimes goes the extra mile to expose your business to a more select audience. If Real Estate’s mantra is Location, Location, Location the mantra for a cash gifting opportunity should be Marketing, Marketing, Marketing.

15. Keep in mind that if and when you take advantage of a cash gifting opportunity, hopefully a legal one, you never forget that it is a business and it should be treated as such. This means that cash gifting is not a free ride to wealth. You have to work the business to make it a success. Like my grand Dad use to say, “There are no free rides in this life”.

Author Bio: As a semi retired International Investment analyst, with just over 30 years experience, I feel that I have done my homework in seeking and finding the Holy Grail of Cash Gifting Businesses.To view this opportunity go to:

Category: Business
Keywords: Cash gifting, cash leveraging, IWIN, The Institute for Wealth in Networking, gifting opportunities,

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